Planet XI - Orbit

On the bridge of the Nomad
Joint post with Omni, Jaxx, Kudzu, and Liltroll2

The ship orbited the planet as SA-Miii locked in the landing coordinates suggested by Dr. Adama. Due to the weather patterns, the coordinates had to change a few times and the need for precise calibrations, the preparation for descent would take approximately two hours.

“Officer Garrett, prepare an away team.. I want everyone suited up and ready to go while SA-Miii works on confirming a stable landing site," commanded the Captain.

“If it checks out, we’ll make planetfall there. Dr. Adama, if this site is viable, I want you to lead the initial geological survey, assisted by Niko. Sestero, you'll assist with setting up the drilling equipment too. Dr Blaire and Miss Del Ray, you’ll focus on any biological and botanical samples we might find. Maddox, you’ll provide security."

As the surveillance data continued to chatter in, details were revealed about Planet XI’s four moons.

Moon A loomed largest among them, a barren expanse stretching ~3,000 kilometers across. Its surface, a harsh desert tundra, was covered in black dust that cloaked the ice plains beneath, giving the moon an ominous, ashen appearance. With gravity at a mere 0.3G and a thin, barely-there atmosphere, Moon A was a silent world where every step would feel like a slow-motion glide over a frozen wasteland.

Moon B smaller at ~2,000 kilometers in diameter, presented a more complex puzzle. Though it shared the desert tundra of its larger sibling, its thin atmosphere brought with it a brutal dichotomy—scorching days followed by freezing nights. The surface was scarred by deep fissures, ancient wounds that hinted at the existence of a subsurface ocean, a hidden sea trapped beneath the frozen crust. Gravity here was a light 0.2G, making any exploration a delicate balance between floating and falling.

Moon C a mere ~1,000 kilometers across, bore the marks of a violent past. Massive impact craters dotted its surface, evidence of cosmic collisions that had shaped its desolate landscape. Like Moon B, its thin atmosphere did little to shield it from the wild swings in temperature between night and day. At 0.1G, gravity would barely hold a person to the surface, where each step would feel as though taken on the edge of a precipice.

Moon D the smallest of the quartet at just 500 kilometers, clung close to the planet it orbited. With no atmosphere to speak of, this moon was a true desert, its barren surface offering no shelter from the extreme cold of night or the searing heat of day. From there, Planet XI would loom large in the sky above, dominating the horizon and casting long, grey shadows over the stark landscape. Gravity was almost negligible, a mere 0.05G, making it more akin to drifting than walking.

Dr. Adama acknowledged the Captain's instructions as he looked at the data on the moons and ran the scenarios in his head on the best ways to mine for resources based on the environment and documented his notes on his data pad. He knew the conditions were bad for the equipment and sending in drones could work if the temperature didn't destroy the drones in a short time. He then responded, "I am adding my notes to the findings in case anyone needs a reference for what they are looking for. However keep in mind if I find anything other than prime resources it will be by luck or accident. My main goal is to make sure we get paid for our work."

Rita nodded at this. "Thank you for that, but the research knowledge is going to be the biggest pay day for me."

So says the woman who hopes for her degree, "Being able to pay for things sounds good though. "

She looks at her readings again. "It's going be interesting getting these samples."

Less than 15 minutes after he stepped away, Dr Blaire returned with a smile and a nodded acknowledgement of the others. He commenced to checking the scans for any new info that may have been gleaned since he stepped away.

"Agreed!", he said in response to Rita's comment. "New flora to document and name. I can only hope there will be samples of fauna to go with it."

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