God Bless Blackwood-Mori

Once Sestero was gone Elisabet got back to it. God bless Blackwood-Mori, that was the first thought that came to Elisabet's head. It was everything she could have and wanted and more, the furniture looked comfortable and stylish. All the minimalist colours felt like they perfectly complemented each other, whilst not clashing with the rest of the ship's interiors.

She jumped like a ragdoll on the bed, allowing her limbs to sprawl across the blanket. This was her happy place, she could hide here with a book for hours. Away from all the rest of them. She didn't dislike the crew, in fact it was quite the opposite she had enjoyed drinking with them and getting to know them. But there was something about Elisabet, she enjoyed spending time with herself. Loneliness was a kind of magic to her.

After a short rest she got up and walked over to a stack of documents, all work related of course. She hadn't been brave enough to dive into them quite yet. But she would have plenty of time, there was nothing to suggest that the Nomad's trip would be short and she was in for the long run. She picked up the document at the top of the pile, it was marked: CSCSS Nomad Personnel. What most would probably expect to carry the juicy bits of information on board was instead rather boring, nothing more that assigned employee numbers and very basic information. The kind of thing you could get from electoral information. Quickly she placed it back and let out a long tired sigh, the bed was calling to her. Just a few more minutes would be all she needed. "I doubt anyone will realise," Maciel said to herself. The bed and won and in seconds she was back in the comfort of it. She closed her eyes and just like that everything went dark.

A relative newcomer, Blackwood-Mori Interstellar was formed from a merger between the Mori Engineering team and Blackwood Regent.

Blackwood Regent was sculpted from the fallout of Ember Dynamics, an old subsidiary of WY that created parts for the early FTL drives and fusion reactors, as well as sleek, luxury vehicles, engines, oil, and other fuel sources.

After Weyland Yutani’s business and reputation had taken a slight downturn after scandals and mass layoffs in the 2130s, VP Emilia Blackwood, sold the company to WY, and in a surprise move, took her team of loyal engineers with her to form Blackwood Regent with capital garnered through the sale and a series of shrewd (and some would say, ruthless) investment maneuvers.

Focusing primarily on engineering habs for starships, luxury interiors, and corporate suites, Blackwood Regent soon earned corporate and government contracts for long range cruise ships.

Emilia harbors a grudge from her days at Weyland-Yutani, a sense of complicity in past misdeeds. Building ships that explore and advance humanity's understanding of the universe is her way of setting things right, leaving a legacy of good to counterbalance the shadows of her past.
Kenji Mori, a dedicated engineer, carried the legacy of his grandfather, who contributed to the design of Sieg and Son's first FTL Drive. Despite being a simple and loyal professional, Kenji harbored ambitious aspirations to leave a lasting impact, inspired by his grandfather's legacy. His efforts to encourage Seegson executives to pursue innovation over cost-cutting measures were met with indifference, leading to his ostracization from the company.

Recognizing Kenji's genius and potential to realize Emilia's interstellar dreams, he made the pivotal decision to depart from Seegson. Kenji and his engineering team found a new home at Blackwood Regent, forging a partnership that combined financial resources with inventive prowess. Thus Blackwood-Mori Interstellar was born from a clandestine meeting in a dimly lit backroom of a Neo-Kyoto spaceport bar in 2153. This alliance marked a strategic move towards a future that prioritized both technological advancement and visionary aspirations.
After their merger, Blackwood-Mori Interstellar has ultimately remained in the shadow of their rivals, Weyalnd Yutani and the undercutter, Seegson. Even so, the company and its employees have held their determination.

Blackwood-Mori's recent successes were fueled by a series of calculated moves. The company expanded their industry into astral mining. They secured exclusive mining rights on remote, resource-rich planets, squeezing every drop of profit from the plasma, gas, oil, and minerals. Then came the stroke of luck - the discovery of trimonite on a remote moon they conveniently "happened" upon. With trimonite as their new treasure, BMI diversified, becoming a one-stop shop for tech and soon space exploration.
No empire is built without casting a shadow. Whispers of corporate espionage, resource exploitation on uncharted planets, and even rumors of ties to organized crime began to ride BMI's heels. So far, the most damning accusation, however, stemmed from Project Aeon, a top-secret initiative to develop time travel technology. A catastrophic malfunction during a test flight resulted in the disappearance of a prototype ship and its crew, casting a shroud of ethical ambiguity over BMI's most recent ambitions.

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