Characters in this post

View character profile for: Baron Aegon

View character profile for: Niko Trantis

View character profile for: Stormtroopers (NPC)

View character profile for: Inna Keokea (NPC)

View character profile for: Rebel Forces (NPC)
Enkindle: Fire & Flame
The Stormtroopers blaster rounds kept firing. The factory walls were coated in the carbon residue left by each dodged projectile. "Wipe them out," one Stormtrooper wailed. Baron Aegon continued to use his trusty dual wield blaster stance, he could knock a couple bucket heads in half the time this way. "How's it going back there?" Aegon asked over his shoulder.
"Almost armed and ready to pop!"
"Good, just keep at it!" Baron turned his focus quickly back just as a blaster bolt caught his shoulder. "Blast," he yelped as he tumbled to the ground. "Keep firing!" The Rebel Agent was determined, he wouldn't let one pesky shot disable him for the rest of his mission. In his rage his accuracy seemed to improve: one down, two down, three down!
"Charges armed sir," a Rebel soldier announced.
"Let's get a move on then.." Aegon struggled, Trantis gripped his collar and started to drag him across the floor to the adjacent landing platform. All the rebels evacuated quickly. "One... Two... Three!" Baron's finger grasped the detonator button down and a huge explosion engulfed the room. There was a few victorious roars as the facility's cold heart burned. "Agent Aegon, Commander Ulaan's tracking beacon had came online," a soldier interrupted the celebration. "Where is she?"
"Up there sir," he pointed up to the top level.
"We'll get her. Inna, Trantis, you're both with me." Aegon struggled to his feet he cradled the wound with his hand. "You sure you'll be okay?" Inna asked. "I've had worse." Aegon smiled and strode over to the ladder.
To Be Continued...