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View character profile for: Chivek Koomo

View character profile for: Serenity
Meatball 2
When the animal came barging through the door, his hand went for one of the laser scalpels to defend himself. It was a habit from working with Sith Overlords.
“The weak need to be eliminated,” is what he was taught. He was not weak and he was not stupid.
“Come here, girl!” He ordered like he was her Captain.
“It is always best when dealing with an animal like that, that you wear cloathing that will protect you or you will find yourself floating in a tank of Bacta having your inner organs and your outer organs regrown,” he as he tended to the wounds. Dressing them tightly after scanning for real damage and applying some antiseptic lotion.
Another photon torpedo rocked the building.
“Portable lights, girl! Now,” turning back to the patient on the table.
He reached out his hand and examined the wound. The droid beeped and chirped at him.
“Yes, if we had a bacta tank with reliable power we could regrow the damaged parts,” he said.
He turned throwing a bloody gauze on the floor.
“We will have to do what we did with Darth Lord Tarik,” He said as the droid chirped again.
“Yes, we have the choice. We save the boy or we save the leg. Which would his mother like more?” He asked almost a growl.
The droid growled and chirped back.
“We can find a prosthetic limb that will help him,” he said.
He looked at Serenity and with great pain he said, “Now! Please.”