Showing posts 316 - 330 of 421

Princes of Hell

Apr 22, 2021, 3:00am by LaserSexPanther

Soularous took in a breath of air, "I missed this place. Aldous, I'll be outside." The demon lord stepped through the front door, his hair blowing in the wind, the thunder and lightning of t ...

Storms of Blue

Apr 21, 2021, 9:00am by Enderslayer

But, for now. You have a deal, and now that I am free of my master. I will accompany you and lend you my aid.” Aldous shook his brother's hand. Making the deal and burning a seal into t ...

A Disturbance in the Weave

Apr 21, 2021, 2:53am by LaserSexPanther

The Mother stood on the massive dock in front of the harbour absorbing the seaside ambience, the creaks and groans from the ships, the flapping of the flaxen sails, the cawing of gulls and g ...

Summoning Soularous

Apr 20, 2021, 2:13am by LaserSexPanther

Joint Post with Ender ((Heiligtum, Varland)) Aldous watched as the wizard left. He heaved a sigh of relief but then heard his brother in his ear again. Calling out to be summone ...


Apr 20, 2021, 2:11am by LaserSexPanther

Joint Post with Thaen ((Heiligtum, Varland)) Aldous gave Enanth a look. “Like I said. I’m still puzzling out this matter. I don’t have any suspects, motive or even how the ...

A mission

Apr 14, 2021, 4:29pm by Enderslayer

"Go forth now. You have thine quest," The Crimson One commanded after a silent moment, his voice a double echo of power. He turned around to view the lightshow of magic that still rumbled ...

Another Piece Moved

Apr 13, 2021, 8:14pm by Thaen93

((One Mile From Capital, Dalen Remnant)) Lenora watched the beacon of light shift from purple to black, the clouds surrounding it dark as night. The vampire chuckled, "Looks like he sur ...

Use your Brain

Apr 13, 2021, 2:40am by LaserSexPanther

((The Golden Oak, Osilon)) “I do not have the materials for such magics and I am not very good at it. But there had to be others from the college that survived. Master Soran, Master Pen ...

The one who watches

Apr 12, 2021, 9:16pm by Enderslayer

Lenora watched the becon of light shift from purple to black, thd clouds surrounding it dark as night. The vampire chuckled, "Looks like he survived. Gelt won't be happy." She twirled her kn ...

There May Be A Way

Apr 11, 2021, 7:38pm by Thaen93

((The Golden Oak, Osilon)) “Draken? Soularous? What would they want with the Mortith?” Severos wondered. Orla shrugged, at a loss for an answer. “Kelmoran was easily the most acc ...

Skulking around the Warehouse.

Apr 11, 2021, 4:57am by LaserSexPanther Lafayette lay flat on his stomach hiding in an upper loft on the outside of the warehouse. It had t ...

Time to Cash In - II

Apr 10, 2021, 11:14pm by Technician

A JP by Tahjerius and Ender ((The Dalen Remnant)) Shade opened his eyes, feeling someone approaching him. "What took you so long?" Ponce looked to him, an exhausted te ...

Time to Cash In - I

Apr 10, 2021, 11:14pm by Technician

((Osilon, Karavoss)) --112 YSTR, Present-- The assassin hung, swaying gently in the brisk evening wind. In truth, the temperature was starting to drop now, and his pantless legs ...

Flickers of the past

Apr 8, 2021, 2:47pm by Enderslayer

Shade watched the lights battle each other, he would wait til his summoner would arrive, then he could act. He slowly closed his eyes in silence thinking about the past. Many years ago ...

The Elves at the Door

Apr 8, 2021, 11:22am by Technician

A JP by Rosmary, LSP, Tahjerius, and Nim Kalena sprawled in the makeshift bed, frowning at Lafayette's brief note as the strength gradually seeped back into her finely muscled limb ...

Showing posts 316 - 330 of 421