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View character profile for: Bathlazaar Gelt

View character profile for: Lenore Operon
Another Piece Moved
((One Mile From Capital, Dalen Remnant))
Lenora watched the beacon of light shift from purple to black, the clouds surrounding it dark as night. The vampire chuckled, "Looks like he survived. Gelt won't be happy." She twirled her knife on her finger before getting on her feet, "Job is done. I should report to the Crimson One."
She stretched herself for a moment before using her supernatural speed to reach Bathlazaar. The archmage stood upon a grassy knoll, watching the display. It came with only a notion in his head that he had succeeded in drawing out the power of the Black Staff for Draken. He now watched as birthrights were being claimed. He turned his wounded visage to Lenora as she came upon him.
She knelt before the mage, "It seems the son of the Blue King has survived, Lord Gelt. Seems he's going through a transformation, my guess is that he is becoming more like his father. What's the plan, my lord?" She looked up at the golden mask of the ancient wizard.
The plan. It was always the plan. And none cared to follow it nor take part. All who have turned in spite would be shown the full measure of the plan when they were removed. And now, at the cusp of the plan revealed, he could sense just how close that blow came to taking his head off. He knew wounds would be made but it was nevertheless enlightening to him on the fallacy of being mortal.
Soon, that will not be a concern, he thought as the light reflected off his mask.
"The son of Soularous has risen to his potential. Now we continue our work," Gelt spoke. "Travel to Soldor's Bastion, await my army there. The time has come for Dalen to rise again as the first of our empire. When the Kragan are assembled, we shall begin. But for you, I have a specific task. Bring me Esteban Soldor. His father is of no use to me, eliminate him."
He looked down to the vampire as he said the final words. "I want the scion of Soldor alive. Kill all who oppose you." Gelt knew the siege would give the perfect cover for the assassin, but knew the Kragan would give no quarter once they breached the defenses. There was a high chance of they would also attack her but Gelt knew of Lenora's abilities. So far, unlike many, she had not failed him.
"Go forth now. You have thine quest," The Crimson One commanded after a silent moment, his voice a double echo of power. He turned around to view the lightshow of magic that still rumbled in the sky.
So many pieces had been placed, only a few required moving now. And then it would be a wait as others moved theirs.