Showing posts 106 - 120 of 421

Strange Tale of Aeran: The Encyclopedia Esoterica by Calliope Pendergast pt 2

Jun 29, 2023, 1:46am by LaserSexPanther

Northeast Verden, outskirts of the Skeldergate Forest During my travels I found myself on the shores of Lake Istel. A rather large freshwater lake positioned on the outskirts of the Skeld ...

Strange Tale of Aeran: The Encyclopedia Esoterica by Calliope Pendergast

Jun 29, 2023, 1:45am by LaserSexPanther

Strange Tale of Aeran: The Encyclopedia Esoterica by Calliope Pendergast; Travel Scribe Extraordinaire If you are reading this, Welcome. I am Professor Constance Corsica Pendergast, and I ...

Soothsayer pt.3

May 29, 2023, 2:17am by LaserSexPanther

Outside the tent, one of the caravan guards had stopped but was not at all paying attention to the strands of meandering conversation that could be heard coming from within the tent. Instead ...

Soothsayer pt.2

May 29, 2023, 2:15am by LaserSexPanther

Just before Horo could reach out to pull the cloth entrance of the tent aside, a man suddenly stumbled out, almost knocking into them. And he looked baffled. But neither Severos or Horo coul ...

Soothsayer pt.1

May 29, 2023, 2:14am by LaserSexPanther

As Horo and Severos exited the extradimensional ‘Hallway of Doors’ and emerged back into the old temple, the change in the atmosphere around them was very noticeable. The air felt heavy ...

Strange Tales of Aeran: The Sorrowful Reaper

May 29, 2023, 2:13am by LaserSexPanther

The night was darker than normal. The sky blanketed in clouds, a sliver of a moon days from new cut in moments through the thick gloom. The threat of rain on the horizon, the scent of the ai ...

Through the Woods Pt. 2

Apr 29, 2023, 2:54am by LaserSexPanther

The walk to the next town was long. It wasn’t even mid-day and it felt like little progress had been made. Anika wasn’t wearing shoes even remotely good for long walks and even if she wa ...

Through the Woods Pt. 1

Apr 29, 2023, 2:45am by LaserSexPanther

The girl sat on the ground, knees tucked to her chest trying but failing to not to cry. “Stay right there, I won’t go far.” Kanin said, “I’m going to start a fire.” He walked ...

Road to Recovery Pt 3

Apr 29, 2023, 2:31am by LaserSexPanther

(copost with Jaxx) After three days of rehabilitation and walking, the lizard man made a lot of progress. He found it amazing that his wounds were recovering quickly due to Mallow’s sti ...

Road to Recovery Pt 2

Apr 11, 2023, 8:04pm by LaserSexPanther

(copost with Jaxx) Mallow chewed her lip for a moment. "I'll have to think on that, I can only name stuff I know and we're strangers still. Unless you want me giving you one of the 'I ran ...

Tales from The Vacuous Breach pt4

Mar 30, 2023, 12:48am by LaserSexPanther

The Figure watched as the man departed, once he was out of eye line he turned to his tallest follower. “Only disturb me if something goes wrong, I need to rest.” he instructed before ret ...

Tales from The Vacuous Breach pt3

Mar 30, 2023, 12:47am by LaserSexPanther

The man stepped through the door and a few steps after stepping into the cold nothing he heard the door close and seal behind him. He turned to stare at it but only for a moment. Flailing fo ...

Tales from The Vacuous Breach pt2

Mar 30, 2023, 12:46am by LaserSexPanther

Ten minutes on the dot after The Figure had told the man to arrive at the exit door, The Figure appeared flanked by two squat men. The prisoner figured they could be dwarfs…maybe. They wer ...

Tales from The Vacuous Breach pt1

Mar 30, 2023, 12:45am by LaserSexPanther

Vacuous Breach, Featureless Crater Dark as it always was, deep in what he could only consider the ‘heart’ of this damnedable place, the man in the strange armour sat at his work desk ...

“Every adventure requires a first step.”

Feb 28, 2023, 2:57am by LaserSexPanther

2nd of Autumn YSTR 115 Anika sprinted through the burning town, her lungs burning with not only the thick smoke but the exertion. She was pushing herself as hard as she could but only had ...

Showing posts 106 - 120 of 421