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View character profile for: Masayoshi
Weihnachten 3: Violent Night
Masayoshi stood on the outskirts of the festivities, the village had been welcoming of someone strange from a strange land, but this kind of festival was alien to him and he was just observing for the most part, listening to stories about a little gnome that went all over giving gifts to good people. Though he’d eaten some of the roasted meats and drank his share of warm mead, the motions of the celebration didn’t make much sense. But the people seemed happy, and it was a bit contagious he would admit to anyone who asked. But as it was getting cold and dark, he thought it time to pack it in and head back to his cabin in the woods.
The ground shook, birds took flight, trees creaked and groaned as they were nearly pushed out of the way. The dead quiet of the night air was filled with a warbling staccato growl, caught somewhere between a crow’s caw, a wolf's growl, and a hyena’s laugh. The silvery moon was high this Weihnachten eve, casting a pale glow on the malform shape of “Der Entführer”. A creature that is all the wrong parts, a thing not meant to be seen. A skull that by all accounts should belong to a deer…save for the razor like fangs, empty eye sockets alight with ghostly fire , gangly sinewy limbs, antlers made of something like bone meeting petrified wood.
Crouching in the tree, Der Entführer stared at the clearing and the small cabin that lay beyond. The flames in the monster's eyes flared to life, its jaw opening with a horrific sound of bones grinding as he began a wet laugh that sounded like a chorus of children. Lowering itself into a full crouch, on all fours bounding towards the solitary cabin. Clouds of powdery snow kicking up in a wake behind the monster. The monster skidded to a stop at the door to the cabin, before reaching for the knob he breathed into the air, his breath forming a name in vapour, ‘Jonah Koch’ the beast leaned its head back and let out a little chortle. Slowly opening the door. He would wait, and not for long for the family to return. The parents a meal, the child something worse. Der Entführer would force the child to become like him. Just like all the others. It crept inside, seeing a mass under the blankets. In a Saccharine sweet voice spoke to the child. “It is dangerous for little children to be all alone in the woods.” Der Entführer said, reaching out to pull the covers away. As the blanket was pulled away Kras Krunkle lay in the place of Jonah Koch, Der Entführer hissed with anger “Deceiver.” it spat, as Kras’ staff lit up with a red glow, Der Entführer hiss again, louder and more animalistic, stumbling back attempting to block its eyes.
“You will not harm this child.” Kras shouted, at the retreating beast. Der Entführer fell out the open door thrashing in the snow. Trying to get back to its feet. “Begone.”
Managing to get upright, it leaned in close to Kras. “Not this time!” Der Entführer roared in his face.
Kras jabbed at the monster with his staff, where it made contact the flesh bubbled and burned, the beast staggered but was undeterred. It batted the staff away, its hand blistering where it had made contact. “What will you do now gnome?” it asked, its voice a cacophony of other voices. If the monster could smile, it would.
Kras’ eyes shot open wide as the staff plopped impotently in the powdery snow, and he backed up, until his back was against the cabin.
“Nowhere to run.” Der Entführer taunted, “Think of all the crying children tomorrow…don’t worry Kras. They won’t be sad long…they will have plenty of friends as soon as I am free to do as I please." The monster raised its claw ready to swipe at the tiny gnome when suddenly it shrieked in pain, the long spindly hand clutching its back instead. Der Entführer whirled on its heels to face the cause of its pain, seeing a lone swordsman draped in furs. “Naught…not waiting your turn.” it said, nearly singsong.
“You are brave little one.” the monster said, standing to its full height.
“Is that meant to scare me?” Masayoshi asked. “You don’t even make the top ten scariest things I fought this year.”
Kras started at the newcomer, blinking in shock. Not simply at being saved, but how brazen the young man was before Der Entführer. “Young man, you are not safe here, run while you can.”
“Can’t do that.” Masayoshi responded. “You need help. So, pick up your staff, I’ll hold him back.”
The monster laughed. “You are just a mortal, you can’t possibly hu…” Before Der Entführer could finish The Ronin slashed him again and it shrieked, stumbling back. “WORM!”
The Ronin dodged the raking claws cutting his after image, and in the distraction Kras got to his staff, and began some form of incantation. “Young man. If you would please hold him off for a moment I would be most gracious.”
“Give you all the time I can.” Masayoshi told him, slashing Der Entführer again in a burst of three. It returned the blitz cutting through two fakes catching Masayoshi with the last, him only barely blocking it. The blow sending a stinging vibration through his hand. Causing The Ronin to nearly drop the blade.
Masayoshi hopped back from a fourth slash stabbing the monster through the palm, and nearly cutting the hand in half. “Move away young man.” Kras instructed, The Ronin seeing what was coming did so with the supernatural speed of his blades magic.
Just as Maysayoshi did ten feet away a fissure opened in the ground, and a strange tendril of red light snaked out and coiled around Der Entführer legs, yanking him to the ground and dragging him towards the pit. Claws digging into the ground attempting to break its way free was losing fight. Catching itself on the edge keeping its head above the pit for only a few extra moments it screamed in a crowd of voices “I’LL BE BACK!”
The moment the monster was gone from sight the ground snapped closed as if it hadn’t happened once it snowed again it would be gone.
“You saved me young man, what can I give you as payment?” Kras asked The Ronin.
“Nothing, I didn’t do it for payment.” Masayoshi responded, walking toward the cabin.
“Is this not the Kosh residence?” Kras asked.
“Might have been once. But it was abandoned when I found it.” The Ronin said.
Kras’ eyebrows knotted. “Hmmm…” he pondered looking at the swordsman and seeing he was telling the truth. “Well. Happy Winterfest.” he said, as he started trudging through the snow, leaving Masayoshi puzzled.
With a shrug Masayoshi went inside, more puzzled by his bed being messy but was too tired to worry about it. The next morning when he awoke, on the table in the center of the room was a traditional sword cleaning and sharpening kit from his homeland. He blinked and looked around. “Couldn’t be.”