Dream A Little Dream

OOC (This is a JP with LSP and Jaxx)

It was Minion Day, lots of the more popular male students were running here and there, some looking bedraggled. Especially one student, Conner maybe? Looked like he was being dragged in five different directions which was a strange combination of funny and sad. Like someone tripping hard, but don't get seriously hurt. All lined up in a row waiting to buy coffee. A small group sat watching among them was a new student named Galaxy Tilman. Watching now and then as the boy struggled to remember the orders they were sent to get. One even though he'd been smart enough to write it on his hand it got smudge and he was panicking even more. Letting out a small snicker and tucking some hair behind their ear, they continued to people watch with their group of friends.

It was Friday morning and Charlie was rudely woken up by the sound of his alarm clock. He was dragging along as his roommate Joey, was getting ready to cater to Sadie.

Joey: Wake up bro. I'm gonna be heading out soon to have breakfast with Sadie. You may want to get going for whatever girl won you.

Charlie moaned as he wanted to go back to sleep. He was not amused by the mere thought of having to serve Nosy Nancy from the school newspaper. Just thinking of serving her as a lapdog made his stomach hurt. Sadly the urge to go to the bathroom forced him to get up and get ready. After a shower and change of clothes he trudged his way downstairs as he read his text from Nancy, which included her breakfast order. He moaned and sighed as he collected her coffee and breakfast which included straight black coffee and an egg white omelet with nothing on it and wheat toast. He was surprised by her plain choice in food, but not enough to discuss it when she arrived to meet him to eat. Charlie also got his breakfast as well since he didn't plan to starve while serving Nancy.

Charlie was so miserable he, failed to notice anyone around him as he ate standing up since sitting by Nancy was to stressful. He was already miserable enough, without having to get friendly with Nosy Nancy. As the day went by he was forced to walk her to class and carry her books as well. Of course the worst part was when he had to carry her cameras and follow her as she was stalking other students to get photos of them. At one time he realized to late that Nancy was taking photos of Joey and Sadie. At that point he made an excuse of having to use the bathroom.

After hiding in the bathroom for an hour he got a text from Nancy to take her out to get a coffee and a snack. Charlie was moody by now and wanted to refuse but Nancy had her ways of convincing Charlie to do her bidding using Joey as a bargain chip. Nancy threatened to spread bad rumors about Joey if he didn't comply. Charlie being an idiot, he didn't realize Nancy was lying.

So after a few minutes he forced himself to pick her up in his fancy truck and drove her to the coffee shop she wanted to visit. Along the way Nancy was taking pictures of her environment. She wanted to get some good scenes and did find some other students out on dates as well. When they finally arrived at the coffee shop Charlie was reaching his limit as he got out and opened the door for Nancy and led her to the counter to get her coffee.

Galaxy sat at a table of six near the door that looked to be mostly girls, sipping on a chai bubble tea. Their back to the window, seeing Charlie walking in with Nosy Nancy, being treated like a pack mule. "Who even needs that much camera equipment to take pictures of students?" They wondered but kept chatting with their little group, letting out small laughs now and then, watching to see if he'd drop something and if he did how big a melt down Nancy would have. Though Galaxy didn't know much about Nancy other than don't tell her secrets, it was clear she'd likely care more about those over sized lenses than a person.

Charlie was in a foul mood as he was forced to stand there like a fool carrying Nancy's stuff like an errand boy. The music coming from the coffee shop was retro and had a decent beat to it as Charlie listened to it.

Then as the chorus of the song played:
"I can't get enough of you baby
I can't get enough of you baby
Yes it's true
Baby yes it's true"

Charlie's eyes wandered towards the young gorgeous person named Galaxy. Galaxy was very feminine looking and dressed in a very fashionable manor. He dropped his jaw in awe by the beauty of the one before him. In his eyes, Galaxy was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He could not stop gawking at her as he was unable to look anywhere else. In his mind he was dreaming that the song in the background was dedicated to the vision of beauty before him. Charlie was in such awe that he envisioned that Galaxy was like a model in a commercial for drinking a cold cola on a hot Summer's day.

Galaxy was unaware of the eyes locked on them at least for the moment. Slowly tucking the hair behind their ear again while they took a drink. That is until they finally felt the eyes on them. Turning their head up to meet Charlies sightline they made solid eye contact. Galaxy gave a small corner of the mouth smile before putting the straw back in their mouth and taking a sip. An eyebrow raised raised slightly wondering what the boy staring was thinking.

Charlie had no clue he was staring at Galaxy that long, nor did he notice that Nancy had long left him to take more photos of other students on dates. All poor Charlie’s brain could focus on was the pretty girl sipping her drink. Everything about her appearance drew him to her as he stared at her like an idiot. Then before he realized it his mouth opened up and words began to come out before he could second guess himself.

Charlie: You are so pretty.

Then after a minute his words reached his ears then brain and his face turned bright red. He was so embarrassed and began to panic as he stuttered and looked around to see Nancy was long gone by now. Now poor Charlie was to scared to move as he looked at the ground and occasionally peeking to see is Galaxy would respond.

"What was that?" Galaxy asked in a lilting voice. "Did you say something?" they questioned, him. They didn't know Charlie but knew of him. Apparently he was a womanizer with his buddies, but apparently along he was as skittish as a stray cat. Poor boy looked like he was about to short circuit or something.

Charlie was both enchanted by Galaxy and scared as his body was betraying him. He wanted to run away out of embarrassment, but his legs had turned to jelly so he could not move them. Try as he might he could not look away from Galaxy as his face turned red. He muttered in response to the questions.

Charlie: I.......i....i.....i....uh.....i....

Then Charlie's legs began to wobble and he found he could move his legs again as he turned around to run away only to run into the sigh post for the coffee shop. He popped his forehead pretty good and ended up with a small lump on his forehead before he fell on his bottom. Then poor Charlie lay on the sidewalk in pain as he held his face. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he was hurt physically and emotionally at this moment. The first girl to ever sway his heart just saw him make an Epic Fool of himself. He was afraid to look and see if she was laughing at him. His head and butt ached in pain and his heart ached in sorrow. At this point Charlie felt he had truly messed up big time.

Shockingly when Charlie finally did look Galaxy had gone back to talking to their friends. Either having not see Charlie eat it or ignoring it was unclear but they'd seemed to have gone back to what ever the conversation was before. One of Charlie's football buddies offered home a hand up. "Bro... Look." He said "The freaks are here." He cocked his head towards the theater kids, Galaxy at the center of the group. "Why do they all dress so weird?"

Charlie looked at galaxy and was once again in awe of her. She was a vision of beauty and he wanted to talk to her. However before he could work up the nerve, the jock next to him nudged him and apologized as he said his date/auction winner was calling him again so he had to go. So Charlie told him goodbye and then tried to look at galaxy again only to feel a hand grab his arm firmly. he looked with a scowl to see who it was and saw an angry Farrah who quickly chewed him out for leaving her side and dropping her cameras on the floor. Farrah complained about how hard it was to find those models and the high cost of them. She then told Charlie he was going to have to pay her back for breaking them. Charlie was not in the mood and quickly agreed to pay her back as he wanted to talk to Galaxy. Then Farrah got a call that required her to go back to the school so she insisted Charlie take her back to the school so she could fix the problem with the yearbooks. Charlie was annoyed but agreed to drop her off so he could be done with her. He hoped he could meet the mystery beauty on another day.


< Prev : Tunnel of Terror? Not so much. Next > : A Twisted Ride