Of Blue Seas, Italian, and Crushes

Waiting for the chance to speak JD says in Italian he says “ogni volta che vuoian, or any time you like” He says to rose. Then looking at everyone we can make the beach party trip a team effort the more people we have working on certain things the smother it could go for us." then he smiled "So, Operation Blue Sea is a go for us?” he said jokingly.

Rose smiled at JD and responded with "mi sembra perfetto or sounds great." She just wanted him to know she spoke fluent Italian, as well. The translation was really for everyone else at the table.

Operation Blue Sea seemed to be agreed on by everyone. Heath said. "That's a good idea. We'll take care of getting the chaperones and permission. Everyone else can decide what they want to do."

It would be before lunch was over the other jobs would be taken. They did need people to spread the word, make flyers, social media, and the like. There were other jobs as well. Anyone could pick a job or two and then everyone could help out. JD's idea made sense.

Ashley looked at Jack as they mentioned a beach party. Jack tried to ignore the conversation but Ashley was not going to let that happen. He then froze in place as felt her hand applying pressure to his knee under the table.

Ashley: A beach party sounds like fun right Jack?

He had no choice but to give her his undivided attention. He had a dear in headlights look in his eyes as he saw her devilish smile. All he could do was nod at her.

Ashley: But Jack it would really mean a lot to me if you ask me to go like a proper boyfriend.

Jack was about to refuse but he felt her iron grip on his knee and hesitated before swallowing the lump in his throat. Seeing as he had no choice and they had way to many witnesses nearby, he caved in as usual.

Jack: Ashley....?

Ashley: Yes Jack?

Jack: W......would you like to go to the beach party with me?

Ashley: Aww how sweet Jack. Of course I'll go. However I have a small problem.

Jack was very annoyed now as he sighed and knew she was going to make him do something he didn't want to do.

Jack: And what is that?

Ashley: Can you help me pick out a swimsuit?

Jack: I am sure you look good in any swimsuit.

Ashley: Aww how sweet but I prefer you help me decide.

Jack felt her grip getting tighter on his kneecap and he winced a bit.

Jack: As tempting as that is I am not allowed in the girl's dorm.

Ashley: Good point. Then I will send you some pics on your phone and you tell me which one you prefer okay?

Jack: Sure. That will work.

Ashley: Promise you will be honest?

Seeing as he had no choice in the matter he nodded at her hoping she would let go of his sore knee.

Jack: Yes I promise.

Ashley leaned in and kissed Jack on the cheek with a smile.

Ashley: That you sweety.

Jack blushed red with embarrassment as he looked down on his food. It irked him how she could manipulate him so easily.

Talk of the beach party was still going around the table. Apparently, also was talk of what people would wear, well, that was mostly the talk the girls had going on. Rose had no idea; she had a new swimsuit but also a scar on her back she was self-conscious about. Still, she just let that play out in her head and didn't say anything. It might have been like Sam said though and it wasn't nearly as noticeable as her mind made it out to be.

Rose looked over to Kyle and said to him. "So, are you used to beach parties?'

Kyle nodded. "I'm from LA. I think kids there go to beach parties before they can walk."

Rose was wondering if maybe she was going about this wrong. She couldn't say she had had a lot of crushes in her life but she wanted Kyle to ask her to the party. He, though, seemed to not notice or maybe wasn't interested.

Kyle and Rose talked for a little longer about beach parties and Kyle got a feeling she wasn't just having small talk with him. He liked Rose, as a friend. The way he liked everyone that he had met at the table. He had no interest in her in any other way and he figured the quicker he told her he was gay the better. However, he didn't want to embarrass her in front of everyone, he didn't know her well enough to know how that would work. If it wasn't for that he would have just come out and said it; he didn't hide the fact but also was new here so really no one knew him..

He'd talk to her later; after school If he was wrong no harm. If he's right this was thr best way to handle it.

< Prev : Gossip Girls Next > : Living on the beach.