
The slap threw Tiella from her feet. She landed roughly on the stony ground, cutting her palms and knees. Tears ran freely from her eyes as she looked up at the elf who she had thought to call father. She had sought him out. All those years of searching and...

"I am no father to a mongrel brat." the tall elf spat. Another at his side looked on, his eyes filled with doubt. Her half brother she supposed if he were truly this bastards son.

"I just wanted to find you... to find out where I... where I came from."

"You have disgraced me." the elf growled. "Your mother was a whore and I barely remember her face. You are nothing to me."

Tiella felt a cold hate take hold within her. Her eyes locked on the dagger at her father waste, an ornate thing. With a snarl she snatched it out of its scabbard before he could reach down to stop her.

"Give me that back you little bitch." he commanded, but there was something in his eyes now. Fear?

"Father, leave her be. She is dangerous."

"Not until she returns the dagger, it is to precious a thing to leave with a gutter born slu..."

He did not finish the insult as she plunged the weapon into his heart with a wide eyed snarl. She gasped as his life force was drained through the dagger into her own body. Her half brother was pulling at her, screaming for her to stop as she drained every once of life from their father. At last he fell to the ground a shriveled corpse and her half brother fell back in fear, scrambling away on all fours like a dog. She laughed as the power raged within her. She laughed over the corpse of her...

"Father." she breathed the word in the darkness

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