OOC - Beyond the Ragnarok Chapter 11

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Walk and Watch


“We are here to help you” Luna said as she brought her staff down on the skull of a troll.

She put a hand up to shield her eyes from the sun. “Can you tell how many more of them there are?” She asked as she tried to fend off another beast.

"Not many." the giant roared with a swing of his club.

Shortly after the Jotun came to their aid the last troll was dispatched with a quick swipe of Tiellas blade. She stood there staring up at the giant taking deep breaths to steady herself. Luna and Dyvia stood at her side wide eyed with wonder. The Jotun were creatures of legend these days.

There came a loud crash and yelling from the direction of the wagon. It came crashing by. The merchant whipping his horses into a frenzy. Balar and Majvok chased the caravan calling after the man to stop but he would not listen. It would seem that the sight of the Jotun had been too much for him.

Balar and Majvoc came walking over their faces dark with fury. They glanced questioningly up at the giant and Balar fingered his axe.

"Jotun!" Cried old Kespin as he came shambling out of some nearby bushes. "A real live giant."

"Not now old man." Balar growled, and then looking up at the giant, "my thanks for your aid would you share a camp with us this night?"

“J-joy” Luna muttered before collapsing suddenly. Balar was right, magic did come at a price.

Luna’s only affected her when she used it during they day. Her magic and the fight had exhausted her. She would be fine in a few hours. Hopefully the crazy old man was not dumb enough to touch her staff while she was out and unable to warn him.

Erik was surprised at the groups skill, very few he had seen would fare this well against such a pack. He tensed as he saw two more men approach, one in particular carrying a hefty looking axe.

His thoughts were interrupted by an old wisp of a man.

"Jotun!! A real live giant."

Before he could respond, the man with the axe had stepped in front of him, shushing him.

"My thanks for your aid, would you share a camp with us this night?"

Up close, Erik noticed a sickness lay upon him, sweat drenching his pale forehead.

"It was you who aided me, so it would be rude to refuse."

Erik looked at the trolls laying about the once beautiful glade and felt a pang in his chest at the loss of it.

Hearing the elf speak, then the worried tones of her companions, he turned to see she had collapsed.

"I had found a cave not far from here, not the best option given the fresh meat that will entice more beasts, but it appears to be the best we have got. I can carry your packs and your friend if you choose to travel there."

"That sounds like a plan." Balor agree.

"What shall we call you?" Tiella asked as the tall Jotun reached down to pick up the unconscious form of Luna.

"Erik." Rumbled the giant.

"A real life giant." Kespin marvelled poking Erik in the leg as if checking he was real.

"Leave the nice Jotun alone." Dyvia said gently pulling Kespin away.

The group started to leave but Tiella noticed that Majvoc was not moving. "Coming?" She asked.

"You want us to sit in a cave with that?" Majvoc pointed up toward Erik.

"You could stay here and wait for more trolls?" She said sweetly.

"Bloody hell, fine." He cursed as he followed along.

Weak as he was, the weight of the groups supplies didn't bother him, neither was the elf that he currently cradled in his good arm.

He looked at the gaping wound on his left arm, vicious holes from the trolls teeth, as well as some nasty gashes from it's claws. Looking over the others, he noticed they kept their distance from him, the two men keeping a hand on their weapons.

The old man on the other hand was irritating, when not asking constant questions, was trying to poke him. If not for the rest of their help, he would have sent him flying.

No matter, he would ignore him for now, grateful to be putting distance between him and the glade.

Luna started to mutter something in her unconscious state as if she were talking to someone. She was talking to the shadow. Asking it about how the heal Balar and Majvoc.

Erik stopped and looked at the elf, had she said something? Yes, she was muttering something.

Leaning close, he tried to make out what it was.

He halted the group,"The elf is calling for a shadow? Does this mean anything to you?"Erik stopped and looked at the elf, had she said something? Yes, she was muttering something.

Leaning close, he tried to make out what it was.

He halted the group,"The elf is calling for a shadow? Does this mean anything to you?"

"She likes shadows." Majvoc quipped as he walked on by.

"Ignore him, he's an ass when he's nervous." Tiella interrupted before the giant could take offence.

"She has some skill with shadow magic." Balar explained, he was finally starting to relax around the huge creature though he still fingered his axe every time the Jotun looked towards Tiella.

"My husband Balar," Tiella gestured "and Majvoc there are afflicted somehow by her shadow magic. Perhaps when we get to your cave we can wake her and see what can be done about it. I am Tiella by the way."

"Well met Tiella." Erik bowed his head slightly and looked down at Luna with concern.

"If you do not fear magic perhaps I can use my own to heal that arm once we reach safety. There is enough power left in me to do that I think." Tiella offered.

While she was speaking Kespin wandered close and stared pinching the skin of Eriks thigh. "Amazing." he murmured to himself.

"Oh good gods." Dyvia spat as she marched on after Majvoc.

“It’s not a curse” Luna muttered. Her eyes opened. She blinked and looked up at the giant. “Are they gone, the trolls”

"The trolls are dead, rest until we are settled." Erik was remembering the landscape.

"We should be able to reach the cave soon, it's not far."

Turning to Tiella," and I would greatly appreciate your healing, I do not fear magic as the humans do."

Completely missing the gruff looks given by Balar and Majvoc, he spoke next with a concerned tone," Speaking of, what brings you so far north, the wilds here haven't been safe for years."

Feeling another pinch, he looked down to see the old man once again and he could no longer hold his tongue.

" Enough old man, before I throw you back to the trolls!!"


From the shadows of the nearby trees Borrs watched the company depart.

"You did well." Came the voice of Harlequin from behind and Borrs turned to face him.

"They died easily, the battle at the Hoff and the run to this grove made them tired, easy prey." Borrs growled.

"All the better. The intent was to draw the Jotun into our plans not to kill them."

"Who is the old man." Asked Borrs.

"He is not part of the plan." Mused Harlequin, "I will consider his fate."

They were silent for a time then as they watched the companions leave.

"What next." Asked Borrs at last.

"We watch and we wait my dear Borrs. We watch and we wait."

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