
-Dalen Capital, Around Noon, 2 DSTR-

He had a title, but she had money, and sometimes that was more powerful then a title. He followed her, dumbstruck by the wealth. The house was not one you just came by, even he could not afford a house here in this district let alone of this type. Not that he could see himself living in this manner, people waiting on you hand and foot, it would start to annoy him. He was sure he may like it to start with, but eventually he would grow tired of it, and the monster would need to feed.

Who she was only got more enigmatic as he walked through the house. He remembered, this belonged to another up until recently. How did she get it, and so close to the Queen’s estate? He was not a man to go squirrelling answers from people, playing games and working out clues from minor details, this was not his way.

He waited to get his ale, standing at the window and looking out to the lovely gardens below. It seemed so like her and yet, not. He did not sit when the offer was given, he was in armor after all and while dirt may be easy to fix, the rips his plates may cause would leave a bit more to do then cleaning.

The ale was good.

When Lafayette left for the bathhouse he finally spoke. “You have quite a house. How did you get it?” The question was direct and to the point, though he kept his eyes on the gardens. He hoped he was not breeching a new friendship, but if they were to be friends he needed to know. This was clear, the concern on his face. He did not hide emotions well at all, a fault to some, but something he never really had to practice.

The only emotion he could hide was fear.

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