
Simon felt himself drawn to her eyes above all of the other beauties her form presented. To deny the effect that her form was having on him would have been pointless, for at that moment his body was anything but without a point as thoughts of her petite frame danced across his subconscious. However, despite the tempting thoughts that had developed from his glimpses of her form, he could not pull himself from his gaze that was landing itself with greater frequency on hers. Her eyes were a color of purity, one he had never seen in another living being. There was a certain degree of strength to them, both of character and of the mystical sense. It was this mystical detail that caused Simon the most confusion. It had been drilled into him since he was a child to strike against mystics with his full repertoire of skills in an attempt to rid the land of this disgusting filth. However, the more he gazed into her eyes and the longer he sat in her presence, the more he wanted to bring her to his home in Verden and come home to her after every campaign.

Pulling himself from his fantasies that better fit a different lifestyle, one he could never go back to due to the life choices he had so far made, he listened carefully as she spoke her name. A smile moved its way across his lips, starring with the corners before becoming full as he spoke, "Celestia. It reminds me of the stars, a realm so beautiful and full of wonder that I have no doubt it is where you originated." Feeling his eyes move from hers to look over the features of her face, his smile turned into more of a boyish grin as he pulled his attention back to the fire. Stirring a few of the logs so that the embers could come back to life in fiery glory, he added a new lump of gnarled trunk to the fire. It was a more dense wood and slightly greener than the others, meaning it would take longer to burn, but with risk of more smoke. To intensify the heat and thwart the attempts of the smoke to reveal their position to prying eyes, he used a smaller stick to scoop some of the embers atop the new branch.

Looking over as she offered the meat to him, he could not help but let his eyes roam her body as she gestured towards it. Leaning towards her as she spoke about fulfilling her needs, he felt the boyish grin take on a much more mature meaning as a soft him emanated from his throat. He could feel his own needs throbbing within his breeches, but his underpants were situated in such a way as to constrict the appendage and hold it down and out of sight. Groaning as he lost the war with the rough fabric, he met her eyes and spoke as he reached for the meat, "You are very kind Celestia. Thank you, truly."

Taking up the piece of meat and deciding to distract himself by eating, he had consumed most of it with his eyes looking into the trees before he turned his gaze back to her. Looking her over with an attempted more mission focused mind, he asked himself why she had been walking through the woods at this time alone. Could she be an escaped slave and there are slavers following her that he will now have to engage? It did not make sense, at least in Verden, for a single person, man or woman, to walk through the woods alone. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he finished the last bite of meat before shifting to look at her more squarely before speaking, "Celestia, why were you in the woods?"

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