
Taking offense to the idea that she would slow him down, she cleared her throat giving an obvious sign of disapproval. “I am one of those monsters; the difference between me and them is that I promised I wouldn’t eat you or your horse.” Her eyebrow lifted and she shifted her weight to one leg.

Watching him mount his horse part of her felt relieved, and the other part was sad to watch him go. It was the only interaction she had in so long. Her eyes met his one last time, but did not return the smile. The horse swayed with ease, and she allowed her eyes to rest on him until he moved out of her line of vision. She knew which way he was going, so if she truly desired she could follow him. She probably would be of more use to him, than him to her. “The pleasure was all mine.”

Turning to walk back towards the direction of the portal, she realized that dusk had taken over, and the way to the portal was on the trail Artem was heading towards. “Well flummery.” Clearing her throat, she turned on her heel to head towards the trail as well. It would only be awkward if she followed his path, so she chose to take an alternative route to save her ego. Panic started to rise in her chest, but she moved forward. She could feel the border between the two kindgoms getting weaker and weaker, which only meant she was getting into territory where ‘monsters’ would roam. The idea of creating a portal would work, but she had to make sure she was out of Verden, otherwise someone might track her use of magic. That would lead to an untimely death. All she knew, was that she was getting closer to the end of Verden, and the beginning of Dalen; hopefully closer to the trail.

Darkness loomed over her, except it invited beasts and creatures that roamed only at that hour. Snapping her fingers, she let a small glow form at the tip of her forefinger. Swallowing a hard lump in his throat, she searched for a sign of life other than her own- preferably a welcoming life.

< Prev : Splitting up/Making a plan Next > : The forest by night