
Simon felt a twinge of disappointment in himself when he saw her glance down at his hand, but he manages to keep the feeling internalized without letting it infect his facial expression. Internalizing pain and maskimg its effects were a trade that he considered himself a master of, so he could only assume this mission of subterfuge was weakening his resolve. If that was the case, then it was doomed from the start if he could not force his face to tell a lie along with his tongue. Seeing her glance at his face, he felt suddenly self conscious and wanted to replace his helm, but the presence of a superior officer made it so that he could not unless they were in threat of danger or he was instructed to.

Listening as Katya spoke of her quarry, he could not help the alight from and chuckle that escaped his throat as he recognized the noblewoman's name. Nodding as she continued describing her task, his jovial spirit disappeared as Katya mentioned the item that had went missing, presumably by Sabina's hand. He had been informed that she was travelling to Dalen and the king wanted her rescued so that he could use her rescue over her mother to gain a betrothal...honestly the courtly duties so is not interest Simon enough to remember the whole spill. He knew only that he was to retrieve her before anyone else could and take her to the king.

Nodding as she finished up, he rested his left hand on his wound and rubbed it firmly, effectively working a maximum level of pain into the wound so that minor inconveniences like movement under armor would not affect him. Breathing out deeply through his nose to channel the pain without verbal reaction, he spoke in a calm voice that displayed none of the pain raking through his arm with every squeeze and rub, "Well, no matter if we are looking for the same person or not, the mention of necromancy instantly draws my attention. However, the Fates have been helpful enough to give us the same target, or perhaps they are smiling down on us and have named two noblewoman of identical appearance the same name so as to throw is astray."

Laughing softly, he glanced towards the direction where the skirmish had taken place and huffed softly. Shaking his head, he replaced the gauntlet onto his arm and spoke, "As for getting into Dalen, that road is the only official crossing between the kingdoms within three leagues either direction. However, it would just so happen that I have marched to battle within these woods a few times and I am now a few unofficial routes." Walking towards Maddox, he turned to look over his shoulder and spoke, "I assume you know how to ride, correct?"

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