Time Related screw ups have their advantages

Who: John Keats... and a few more
Where: Around n about
When: During these time thingys... woooooooh! <waves hands>
Keats had fallen asleep where hed slumped after the fight with Amber.
His head was slumped against the wall and his left arm was shielding
away the light whilst holding the back of his neck. It looked very
painful to those walking by.
'Wake up John... come on already, wake up!'
He awoke with a furry tail being shoved in his nostrel.
'Mmphhh.. Jack? That you?'
He queeried whilst picking lumps of congealed eye gloop from the
corners of his eyes. To his suprise, it wasnt Jack, or Amber, or
anyone as far as he could tell. He stretched and made his way to his
apartment where he could get a better, more un-interupted sleep.
Luckily he wasant far, as the fight had happend literally meters from
his door. It hadnt quite sunk in yet, knowing Keats he probably
thought it a dream, or akin to that at any rate.
He stood infront of the full length mirror, wonderd quickly where it
came from and looked at himself.
"Smeging hell... Holly.. book me an appointment with the barber.. me
Hairs gettings a bit long again... i was only out a few hours.."
He scrathced his head and looked at the image doign the same. He
peered closer, as did the image.
'Huh...' The other Image Sneezed.
'Hey... I didn't do that.... Whats going on...'
He walked quickly away into the bathroom to rinse his face. perhaps
he was still sleeping. He looked up.. and his hair was the normal,
today, short but not to short fuzzed in places from bedhead and
generally rugged and unkempt. He turned around, the mirror had moved
and was currently slapping itself in the face. He reached out to
touch it, and his hand went through, feeling nothing, not cold, warm,
it was like wqalking througha hologram....
"Holly... Check the hologram unit.. is it malfunctioning'
'Hey... im not a hologram... Foo' "
"You can talk?"
The mirror that now turned out to be possibly a hologram clapped its
hands slowly.
"whats with the hair?"
"Ditto... wheres the mullet? You know they rule!"
"Truth Friend.. fancy a drink?"
"I dunno.. i tried to get one from your fridge but i couldnt open it,
but hey, i then decided, why not take my own?"
He swigged from the QUICKY, staggerd and fell backwards in usual
Keats lack of alcohol resistance. He spat some ut on the floor.
Our John, looked at him.
"So.. your me... huh... never knew i were so damn good looking!"
"Id sleep with me" The other agreed
The both laughed shortly.
"Oh.. hey, Jacks in your bed.. he were sleepy"
Keats looked on the bunk, and sure enough Jack was there, both eyes
and roughled hair. He yawned and looked at John.
"H-H-Hey.. are you J-John or.. uhh... John?"
Keats looked at him... he felt a word he hadnt used in a while force
itself out.
Jack winced, blinked, and jumped out of bed. He started doing some
squats at impressive speeds, then pressups.
"Blancmange!!!" the other Kets shouted.
"Bad John!" h continued "You know what hes like..."
"Actually, Jacks chnaged, Phoenix Fire alterd him, then he was alterd
again by the doctors..."
"Really? Huh.. so i failed then?"
"You did.. but i finished it off a month back... lil' C4 knocking at
its door" He winked.
"Hey.. i gotta plan.. wanna go freak some people out?"
"Oh baby yes!" the other finished...
<Tag, hey, if you ever need some random excitement n a post, just put
Me and me making general asses out of ourselves...>

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