Too strange

In a rather dejected mood Tara squelched her way back to her quarters as she went she passed a group of ensigns who paid no attention to her and shortly after she was nearly mown flat by Alota who was being chased by a man eating tv. She sighed, it had been one of those days the hausinashuns were in depleting numbers and there was a rumour that the captain was barmy and had gone missing to top it all off she was covered in green goo.
 Quite a bit later on Tara saw White Wolf belting down the corridor with a "super soker" screaming "It's gonna sneeze!!!" followed by a human shaped ball of snot. Tara sighed again she didn't know life on a space ship was so weird, if she had known she wouldn't have come on bord.
 Tara walked out of her quarters and headed towards the cinema she passed a place called "Burger Tzar" a chinese person was laughing to themself and putting an odd looking liquid onto the burgers Tara crossed the road wondering if there was a loony bin close by that all these weird things had come from.  As she settled down with a tub of popcorn to watch her favorite movie "It's a wonderfull life" she wondered if the person who created the movie was on something because her life wasn't that wonderfull. Also she wondered what the results of the fork analisis were going to be....
What are the results going to be?
Will any one enter the cinema?
Is Tara that popular?
Answeres on a postcard to the usuall adress
Theme music......

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