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Chrysler couldnt understand it. What the hell was going on.
He was returning to Blue Dwarf from shore leave on the nearby nympho gelf planet and from the cockpit of Blue Midget he could see an enormous hole in the hull of the 'Dwarf He tried to contact flight control for a landing request but all he got was "Lemmings, there coming for me SAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!" over the com system.
He approached the shuttlebay doors, which naturally were closed, "SMEG!"
"Only one thing for it" thought Chrysler he suited up in a space suit and made his way to the airlock of the midget.
He left the ship and floated along happily towards the nearest pressure seal on the 'Dwarf. and entered the ship.
The door locked behind him, and he found himself in the quarantine zone. 
"welcome to quarantine" came the voice of the ships computer "You will be contained here for the next 3 months, minimal recreational facilities will be provided, enjoy your stay"
 "SMEGGING HELL!!!!!!!!" 

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