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Katrina Swete
Katrina made her way to the medi-bay first, as it was closer than the Blue
Lagoon restaurant. A crowd of people were gathered outside, obviously looking
for something to make the irritating hallucinations go away.
As she pushed her way up to the front, the door to the medi-bay opened.
Emerging was Dr. Keto, closely followed by a large pink tree. Each held a
bottle. Before Keto could say a word, the tree sprayed some green liquid in
Katrina's face. She frowned angrily, saying with a sarcastic tone, "Thank
Dr. Keto said something Katrina didn't pay attention to, then sprayed a
cabbage-headed hullucination. It disappeared. The crowd oohed and awwed.
Katrina, having to fight against the crowd, eventually grabbed Keto by the
arm, pulling his head close to her mouth. She whispered, "I think the Captain
could really use some of that green stuff."

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