Its a dirty job.....

The Starbug crashed into the mothership, embedding itself in the
hole it had
just created.
Suddenly, a holographic hand punched out through the wreakage and the
truimphant form of John Smith heaved himself out.
Or rather, a person who looked exactly like John Smith heaved
himself out.
<end snip>
WHO: Smith and Kara
WHERE:The Mothership
WHEN: Now...
The new alter-Smith headed down the hallway. Off in the distance he
heard a voice.
"Oy, you okay? What's the matter mate? If it's a talking penguin or
something ignore it."
It was a woman, probably from the second 'Bug.
"Hello. The name's Smith. Alter-Smith."
"Okay....Kara McGellan. Your a hologram too, right?"
"Yup. Well actually, I'm a hallucination being experienced by a
"Are you aware we're crashed on an enemy mothership about to shoot
Blue Dwarf?"
"Not if I can help it mate!"
Kara rolled her eyes at this annoyingly calm demeanor.
"Then I assum you know how to stop it then."
"Why of course. Im a compilation of millions of subroutines designed
for military and espionage-type applications."
"Whats the plan then, secret agent boy?"
"The major fault in this ship's design is that it can only fire when
the whole thing is aimed directly at the Dwarf. This means that we
still have-"
Alter-Smith checked his holographic watch.
"Five and a halt minutes to stop the ship."
"Five and a half minutes!"
"Five and a quarter minutes now."
"How are we gonna stop the ship anyway?"
"We'll use a tractor beam to cram one of the Starbugs into the main
"Im all for blowing things up but if we're standing in the ship when
it blows up won't we die as well? Well, die again..."
"I'll think of something before that happens."
Kara wasn't at all satisfied with that answer.
"And how are we planning on gaining access to the tactor beam?"
Alter-Smith wondered. There was only one way this could work.
"Knock me out.Quickly."
Kara didn't even protest. Anything to make that annoying 007 wannabe
shut up.
Several minutes later, Smith's eyes opened again.
"Alter-Smith number 4432 reporting for duty ma'am. I am specially
designed for heavy duty combat and explosives."
"Man this is getting reeealy weird..."
They arrived at the door of the Main Chamber.
"You had better stay outside."
"Are you nuts? If theres fighting to be done I want a part of it!"
Alter-Smith threw open the door. Inside were several small
Technician Hymenoptra as well as two massive Guards.
The ensuing battle was shot and bloody. The unfortunate thing about
fighting hard light holograms is that no matter how big you are,
eventually your gonna lose.
"Now what?"
The alter sat down at the control panel.
"I must now use the tractor beam to jam the gun-tube."
Outside the ship, one of the ruined 'Bugs was ripped loose from the
hull. Neatly, it slowly twisted into the massive gun-tube, now
seconds away from being pointed at the JMC vessel Blue Dwarf.
"Now we have only thirty seconds to escape!"
"And how exactly should we do that? Both the Starbugs are destroyed!"
"Lets grab a shuttle!"
"Not a good idea. In case you have'nt noticed, the Blue Dwarf guys
are kinda big on shooting them at the moment!"
"If you signal them quickly enough, we should make it."
Kara and alter-Smith hurried to the shuttlebay and hopped inside a
Hymenoptra shuttle, shaped like a scorpion, jet black with a massive
stinger on the top.
"So how exactly do we fly this thing Smith?"
Alter-Smith had run out of subroutines.
"Smith what the smeg are you smegging trying to smegging accomplish
be banging your smegging head on the smegging panel three smegging
The shuttle lurched forward and smashed through the bay door into
the empty void of space.
"Attention Blue Dwarf. Attention Blue Dwarf. This is Kara McGellan
and Alter-Smith. Do not shoot this Hymenoptra ship! I reapeat: do
NOT shoot us!"
Then, rather suddenly, the Mothership exploded.
ooc: yaaaay! my first time ever writing with somebody else's char!

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