
Jacks muscles relaxed as he stepped out of his training course. He
was sweating like a pig in a furnace, so he walked into the shower.
5 minutes later he stepped out into the changing room, dripping wet,
his clothes on a bench. Looking down on his 8 pack, he remembered a
late 20th century film, and in perfect form said
"give me your clothes your boots and your motorcycle...hahahah" he
laughed, and put his clothes back on.
On his way out of the Cargo bay he was startled by Severn
"i hope you didn't break anything again" he said sarcastically,
knowing that Jack knew how much he loved tinkering.
Jack shot him an evil glance. "leave me" he said, before walking
towards parrotts.
When there, he ordered a 4 pinter of Whiskey, downing it easily, no
signs of drunk-ness, he got up and left, without paying, only to be
confronted by the barkeep
"hey, thats expensive stuff you know!"
"oh, put it on the damn tab" Jack replied roughly, pushing the man
aside, as if he was a Japanese paper wall from the james bond films.
"hey!! no need to be like that!!" the barkeep called back, only to
find Jack had already disappeared.
"ahh, just the man i wanted to see" said alota walking round the
corner behind him, Jack continued, and Alota had to speed up to talk
to him.
She put her hand on his shoulder "good work on Plebe..." she said,
but the milisecond after she had said that, Jack stopped and grabbed
her hand, pulling her over his shoulder onto the floor in front of
him, his eyes then flickered, and he shook his head, helping alota
from the ground "sorry, i'm a bit jumpy" he said in a gruff voice
"sorry" he added before departing. He walked back to his room at
high speed, finding Keats led on his bed listening to music. Jack
ignored him and led on his own bed, He put a finger inside his ear
and said something. But no-one was around to hear what he had said.
<tag Jay, go for it man!!>

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