Jack, the return of... and plans to enter the castle

The group, now all up apart from jack, who was in such a deep sleep
that they just left him to catch up... awoke with a chilly wind
around him, he flexed his muscles "ahhh, thats better, i really
needed that" he said, stretching.
He could see the group coming up to the castle grounds, so he ran off
after them, using his speed to get there without being seen.
"Sir!" he whispered, saluting to the gang, "Reporting for duty, whats
the plan, and where do i come in" he said, a smile widening on his
face. "My powers are back, i'm ready to kick ass" he continued,
stepping over to the front of the group, If we need it, i can create
an energy shield big enough to surround all of us for a short while,
otherwise, i can just blast our way through the wall somewhere away
from the main gate" he added, looking over to the heavily guarded
front gate, They all ducked down as some sort of darkness swept over
them, followed by a spotlight sweeping through the undergrowth, then
the light returned. "uhh... is it me, or was that incredibly
pointless" Phil pointed out, indicating the sun, high in the air
above them, giving more covering light than any spotlight could. Jay
looked up to the battlements "they're only looking where the spotligt
is, we could just go between the... (they waited) ten minute gaps
between sweeps" he suggested, Alota raised an eyebrow, the light
swept across them again "like now?" she asked, the sarcasm could be
felt for miles around, luckily the Plebians don't know the meaning of
the word sarcasm, and therefore couldn't feel it. (don't ask me!!)
<tag, lets go guys>

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