Major Harris 'Oh hell!'

Blue Dwarf
Holding cells
Harris paced in front of the cell holding two James Johnsons. To the
other side of the room there was a cell holding three Kayn's one was
theirs, the other was the git from the nice realm and the last was a
stowaway from the evil ship.
There came a sound of a argument starting up and Harris turned to
view the cell holding the Kayns that had suddenly became very
overcrowded as three suddenly became twelve and then a fight broke
Harris just sighed and muttered nastily, shaking his head from side
to side. Then he turned back t to the Johnsons and asked again. "I
am not going to ask this again, now which one of you tossers is our
James Johnson?!"
"I am!" Both Johnsons replied at the same time.
"Give me a break!" Harris snarled. "That's it, who's first to have
their teeth removed?!" Harris enquired removing a pair of needle
nose pliers from his pocket.
Outside the Captain's office.
Three thugs from the security department, Tom, Dick and Harry,
pounded on the door to the Captain's office.
"Come in." A voice called from within.
Tom, Dick and Harry made their way inside of the office and looked
down at Captain Cannon who was now hiding under his desk.
"Can… Can I help you with something?" Cannon asked weakly.
Tom began to punch his fist into the palm of his hand and grinned
"**Gulp** … This is about that comment isn't it?" Cannon asked
The three thugs nodded and then advanced on the Captain.
Half an hour later
Captain Cannon came round to found himself hanging upside-down from a
lamp post wearing a nappy and his entire body had been painted green.
"Oh great." Cannon throught to himself and then he noticed his wife
watching him, shaking her head in a disapproving manner.

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