Brain Ache

Who: Tara, Keto, Tree, Coffey, Shakespeare (blind), Jasmine, Trisees, Brain
Where: The Medi-Bay (note the usage of a hyphen)
When: Dunno.
Tara was on a medi-bed counting the tiles on the ceiling. Again. All 10416 of them. Suddenly there was a noise much like.
"Wheeeeeeeeeee!" *Crunch* this Tara decided was much more interesting than 10416 ceiling tiles. Tara propped herself up on one elbow and looked to where the noise was, just as Trisees came running through the door.
"*Puff* Where *Wheese* is it?" He gasped.
"Just as my day was going well." Tara said to Trisees.
"Cleavage? What are you doing here?" Trisees asked.
"Well, A) I work here and B) I was shot whilst saving Phil's life."
"How heroic you are" Came a voice from the robot that Trisees had built.
"Who or what is that thing?" Asked Tara to the scientist.
"Don't you recognise me Tara? It's Keto. Charles Keto." Tara looked from the robot to Trisees and to Keto's office which he was in.
"Trisees..... Keto's in his office. Not in that bucket of rusting toaster components." Tara said. Trisees glared at Tara.
"But Tara. How can you not recall me?... Did those times in medical school mean nothing to you?" The Brain said through the robot. Tara opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Keto meanwhile had heard the crash and was listening to the conversation.
"Oh no" he said simply.
"Non of your damn business" Keto snapped before having a minor brainwave "Actually.... If you get them out of the medi-bay then i'll give you some fertiliser" The doctor lied. The tree jumped up and down and bounced into the medi-bay.<Tag>OOC- ok i tagged an NPC but I though Sean could take it from here....

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