I know someone

"I have an idea..." suggested Phil.
"Well, I know someone who might be able to lay their hands on a "special" gift..."
"Phil why did you just put quotes round that special?" inquired Jay
"That's not important Mr "Whoops I forgot the aniversery of my wedding".."
"Point..." pointed out dean, rubbing his head.
"Well, In my buisness I get to meat a few well, dodgey blokes...Dean not included...."
"Har har bloody har..." You can guess who that was from.
"Well...He can lay his hands of some of the more hard to get hold of gifts...Just let me know what you want and I'll pass it on to him..."
"What's his name?"
There was a small "eeeeeeeeeeeee" from the door to which Jay kicked and there was another thud.
"Kev...That's all you need to know..."
"Is that 'Honest' Kev?" asked Kara.
"Yeah? You know him?"
"Yep...sort of...wasn't he the one who sold those 100 'real' Mona Lisa's to those tourits on Titan?"
Dean piped up..."And didn he once try to sell Jupiter for...I think it was 2 frogs in a bidet?"
"Yeah...Okay he's a little bit mad but he can lay his hands on whatever you want...The question is ...What DO you want?"
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