Down to O'Briens ...

"Shut up shop now!"
I called to the employees. It had been a better day. At least today
everything had run smoothly and Commander Niples picked up his revolving
Christmas tree.
I felt down though. Sales had dropped significantly - and I still haven't
caught the holo-suit theif. The Xmas trees hadn't sold as well as I had
wanted them to. I decided to go down to O'Brien's pub for a drink.
"Hi John".
"What'll it be Stewie?"
"Oh just a wee dram would be nice."
"Any problems Stewie?"
"Well, I s'pose I better tell you a story."
I picked up my 'wee dram' and told him the story
"Today I heard something odd in the broom cupboard - something that sounded
like me cat Mittens - I told you about Mittens haven't I John?"
'Yes, you have".
"Oh good, well anyway I decided to just check what it was when I saw my cat
dying of starvation - it had locked itself in the cupboard. The other thing
is that sales have dropped significantly."
"Well there is one solution to that," John replied,
"Be kinder to the public - I mean you are always giving big discounts to the
officers yet nothing for Technicians and below."
"But I have to look good - I have to make the impression that I think that
Officers should be treated better than technicians and civilians, ya know?"
"Yeah, well I think you should give the officers 20% discounts and civilians
and technicians 10% items if they have like a .... discount card or
I pondered that thought and liked it.
"Yes ... I like it. I think I'll send some forms around tommorow."
I smiled and John smiled (and we DID NOT snog).
"Any other problems?"
"Well yesterday, my TV, stereo and electric train set had been stolen."
"Oh, did you tell security?"
"No I feared not".
John laughed,
"Yeah I thought you wouldn't of - after what you told Harris."
"Mm ... I s'pose it's pay back eh?"
I drank the rest of my drink and paid for it. While paying I said to John
"I'm glad you're here - someone I can >belch< talk to. I better be going to
my quarters. See ya."
"Yeah, see ya Stewie."
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