That wasn't a pastry you just eat(only joking)

Dirk picked it up and took a few nibbles off of it.  He then licked the sugarglaze off his fingers.  "Ummm.... tastey. ........ We shouldn't try and alterthat which has stood the test of time for eons!  Put aside your meglomaniacalconsepts of being godlike and leave genetics and DNA to mother nature!"
"Normally, I'd agree with you, but If we can't get the acting captain back, the the REAL captain will be a slightly bit miffed. Besides, it seems like fun.." Phil tileted his head in a funny way that and grinned a evil grin(to get the same effect stand in front of a mirror with a torch, turn off the light, and shine the torch under you face. You'll then get a good idea of what Phil looked like at that moment)
"Even if you could get it to work, It won't be the WW we know. It won't have his memories."
"The method I'm gonna use, will allow for all the memories up to the  time this sample was taken to be revived."
Phil put the vial down carefully in a slot on his desk next to Saddam. He then sat down, and reached into his desk and brought out "Mr Stretchy."
"One more thing", said Phil taking aim at Dirk's groin. "If you touch me again, I'll jetison you into deep space."
"You don't frightne me," sneared Dirk. "I hurt you once, I can do it again.."
"True, but then again, I could always put you down for "Onitment Testing" with Keto..."
"All I ask, is that from now on, you stay out of my way and I stay out of yours. Deal?"
<<Well Dirk, do we have a deal >>

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