'The Trouble of AI'

Lloyd tapped on the button to open the door to the cargo bay where the security robot 'Amourzoila' was being put through its' paces. As the doors opened Lloyd was about to enter when she suddenly ducked as a jet of intense blue flame shot out and melted a large hole into the wall behind her.
"Sorry Penny."
Lloyd slowly and more carefully entered the bay to see Donover and three other security officcers hiding behind a blast shield, the Amourzolia was standing in the middle of the bay surrounded by melted, crushed and totally trashed metal cargo boxes.
"Sorry about that." Donover said continuing on from what he first said.
All of sudden there was this load bleeping and one of the security officers removed a box from which the bleeping was coming from, with a red flashing light and then shouted. "Shut it down!"
The Amourzolia shot round to the blast shield, glared evilly and then let loose a blast of blue flame as it opened its' mouth. The security officers threw themselves away from the blast shield and within moments it had reduced to melted metal that began to melt through the floor and continued down about two more flours before it had cooled off enough to stop melting the metal floors.
A remote shutdown of Amourzolia was quickly done and Lloyd demanded to know. "What is that flame thrower fuelled with and what the hell just happened?!"
"In that orderÂ…" One of the security officers started. "We 'borrowed' some fuel from the Stareagle and we have been having problems with AI, if we were to delete it the robot would stop working and every now and again the AI reactivates and takes control."
"Great!" Lloyd muttered. The Amourzolia had been built from the remains of Troop Killer, an insane giant robot killer with an intense hate of humans.
"But we can total it most of the time." The security officer said.
"I'm looking for some help with the court case." Lloyd explained.
"Try asking White Wolf for some help." Donover told Lloyd.

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