Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI

View character profile for: Boyd Weathers
The Hangover 9
Posted byPosted: Nov 19, 2013, 1:25pm
Artemis zipped his fly, and stepped back as the bomb fell off. "Citizen saved Chief Judge Jaxx" Artemis said, turning to his "commander". "What is my next mission?" "We need to meet the others at the Emperor's Palace" Evelina whispered to Jaxx.
Getting him there will be like herding sheep Alex said without moving his lips. Boyd sat up. "What did you say about sheep Alex?" Alex spun around and looked at Boyd. "Hey uh...I think Boyd got the telepathy...."
How do you manipulate Artemis' hallucinations and Boyd's telepathy?
Also, the "stuff" in the cigarettes is the cause for the drug to kick into high gear. I couldn't fit that into the actual post, so I left it down here. Maybe they find that out when they reach Cass and the others
Skutter Jaxx looked around as he thought to himself about the many movies he saw with Evelina on movie night before saying, ‘Judge-Pritchard dude your radical mission should you choose to accept it is to help me get these people to out to the next check point. We totally need to rendezvous with Agent Cassandra Jones and her radical team. However we can’t like hurt the citizens who are under the heinous mental control of the Jakuzi Boss dude. The Jakuzi boss dude totally stole a high tech rifle thingy from the council dudes and wants to like make more for his army dudes.” Alex looked at Evelina and whispered, “Jakuzi?” Evelina whispered back, “Just go with it.” Alex shrugged as Boyd made a strange face as he was staring at the floating dots before his eyes. Mrs Narita was slowly dancing to a song in her head as Chuck was was staring at the crew like a television show. Judge-Pritchard stood at attention as he saluted Skutter Jaxx and said, “I accept this urgent mission sir and will ensure the success of this mission.”
Skutter Jaxx scanned the hallway and detected several armed men approaching down the hall. Then Skutter Jaxx looked at the crew as he said, “Not cool bros. We totally got company and they are packing heavy. Any ideas?”