Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI

View character profile for: Boyd Weathers
Judge Pritchard
Posted byPosted: Nov 19, 2013, 9:53am
“That’s the nasty one” Williams grinned, evilly
“Unfortunately so” Khan nodded solemnly “Amongst other symptoms, the victim usually experiences auditory and visual hallucinations to begin with; with these eventually leading to total neurological collapse”
“They’ll be drooling vegetables in a couple of days!” Williams chuckled, obviously enjoying this
“I assume there’s an antidote?” Jay asked stonily
“Of course,” Khan nodded “No long term side effects if it's administered early enough, and it’s all yours if you resolve the paradox for us”
“You see,” Williams smirked “We don’t want to upset our business partners; so we're leaving it down to you to retrieve our pulse rifle”
“Two days” Khan said solemnly “We’ll be in touch”
The renegades turned to leave and elbowed their way through the large crowd of sci-fi / steampunk convention goers that had unaccountably gathered to watch the exchange
“And cut!” Cass yelled, startling everyone as she strode out into the centre of the lobby “That’s a wrap!”
Mike ran from behind the pillar, with Claire not far behind him, as the crowd burst into spontaneous applause
“That,” he screamed “was utterly fucking awesome!”
Artemis' head started to feel funny. He looked at the cigarette and tossed it aside. "Guys, I feel funny" he said in a voice that wasn't his. Everybody was too busy arguing about the "pee" situation to listen. Suddenly the world started to blur, and became....REALLY....colorful....
Then everything got groovy....
Artemis shambled out of the room and followed a disembodied voice. He got in the elevator and sang along with the Beatles, and so did the choir of colorful parrots.
"Me am I and you are....we and I am Artemis...I am crying" The weird man in the floral shirt sang. The other occupants of the elevator gathered along the walls, trying to avoid the obviously high idiot sharing the ride
"Welcome to paradise baby" the elevator said, opening wide to let Artemis and the parrots out. Artemis followed the voice, and danced to the sound of the Beatles. He entered a meadow of Q-Bomb Roses. He tapped each rose, which caused an Earth shattering explosion. He then entered Oz and danced along the yellow brick road with a group of his clones from the Charon facility, groups of Catrantulas, The Missus, and of course, Toast, whom he socked in the face, causing the GELF to burst into flames.
The sickly looking man stumbled into the street, scaring a group of Boy Scouts doing a scavenger hunt. He continued across the street, causing a massive pileup. A woman watched in horror as he stumbled into a shopping plaza, she quickly called the police
The music disappeared (you can stop playing it now). There was a glowing light. Artemis stumbled into it, it was an armory. "Judge Pritchard, you are needed" the Chief Judge called. Artemis saluted "Yes Sir" He walked into the armory
He shambled into a Spencer's Gifts, mubling incoherently. He stared at a mannequin wearing an expensive replica of Judge Dredd's uniform. He tore the uniform off the dummy and put it on. After he was suited up, he tossed his old clothes to a homeless man, who quickly changed and skipped happily out of the store.
Judge Pritchard donned his helment. "I am the law.."
The argument continued as Boyd lay on the bed, hallucinating from the same neuro-toxin as Artemis.
The door was kicked open, Judge Pritchard walked in. "I am Judge Pritchard of the Hall of Justice, identify yourselves" The argument stopped. "What the fuck?" Proclaimed Alex. "What?" asked Cass, who had called while Artemis was away. "Artemis is here dressed like....Judge Dredd?" "That's got to be the neurotoxin, he's going to keep hallucinating until it kills him. He and Boyd might also get telepathy" "So...what do we do?" "Play along, and get over here after you disarm that fucking bomb!" "Play along?" "Play along with his hallucination, just don't try to break it or you'll give him an aneurysm" Alex closed the communicator and turned to the others. "Whatever that stuff the STCP gave to Artie and Boyd is making them hallucinate. Cass says to play along or he might die from overload, or some smeg" Everyone watched Artemis as he and Chuck conversed. "So, where did he get that from?" asked Evelina. Jacky looked out the window, "Maybe that?" He pointed
In the plaza was a promotional "meet and greet" for the upcoming film "Judge Dredd saves Santa", including a raffle to win a replica of Judge Dredd's armor, hosted by Spencer's. Artemis walked out of Spencer's wearing the armor. He passed a homeless man being arrested for public intoxication
"Okay, that doesn't explain the piece" Alex said, pointing to the pistol in his holster
A group of Marshals (present to look for Artemis) meandered about. A trainee approached Artemis. "Oh man, Judge Dredd!" he said. "No citizen, I am Judge Pritchard. I need to confiscate your firearm" He said, pointing to his belt. "Oh, sure! Hold it like this!" He gave it to Artemis and made him hold it up, meancingly. The confused Scientist/Judge stared at the Trainee's smartphone as a picture was taken of him. The trainee proceeded to Facebook the picture. He then confiscated the Mashal's ammo and left.
"Trainee Wilson! Where the hell is your firearm?"
The Present
"So we play the part and he does what we want?" said Jacky. "Judge-Pritchard-this-is-Chief-Judge-Jaxx-you-totally-need-to-pee-on-citizen-Jacky's-bomb" Jaxx ordered. Artemis saluted. "While I detest urinating on other human beings, I will not question your orders...Sir" Artemis walked over to Jacky. "Hold-him-still-Judge-Solvay" Alex grabbed Jacky. "Alex, I swear to gods I will hurt you!" Jacky screamed. "You threaten a fellow judge again and I'll kill you myself" Artemis said, unzipping his fly.
Artemis zipped his fly, and stepped back as the bomb fell off. "Citizen saved Chief Judge Jaxx" Artemis said, turning to his "commander". "What is my next mission?" "We need to meet the others at the Emperor's Palace" Evelina whispered to Jaxx.
Getting him there will be like herding sheep Alex said without moving his lips. Boyd sat up. "What did you say about sheep Alex?" Alex spun around and looked at Boyd. "Hey uh...I think Boyd got the telepathy...."
How do you manipulate Artemis' hallucinations and Boyd's telepathy?
Also, the "stuff" in the cigarettes is the cause for the drug to kick into high gear. I couldn't fit that into the actual post, so I left it down here. Maybe they find that out when they reach Cass and the others