Trudeh Trudeh Part 1

<Part 1. Spooky! Jaxx and I wrote a real similar post. I think I don’t really have to adjust mine as they kinda match (but I'll add fight club mention).
Can just be another perspective on the same section of adventure. Hope that’s okay with you Jaxx?>

"This is the U.S. Marshals!" an amplified voice boomed from outside "We have this building surrounded. Come out with your hands above your head"

Trudy snapped into action. “THIS WAY!” She bellowed, momentarily rather less-feminine of tone.
Alex, whose hands, on auto-pilot, had been dismayed to find no gas mask upon his touristically-threaded person, found himself yanked through into a back room with Artie and the others.

“Xagzor!” Cried Boyd, straining his eyes for a sign of the beast through the circular window in the door, feeling stangely worried for the Alpaca’s safety. He hoped it wouldn’t pass out like many of the clubs patrons seemed to be doing.
Their tall guide strode confidently to the middle of the room and, with an oversized version of a dainty, attractive-shoed foot, slid a blue bobbly rug from atop a trapdoor. Chuck dashed towards it.
“No.” She said, stopping him with worrying ease.
Her angular, perfectly powdered, jaw was set. “No.”
She rushed to the far side of the room and snatched a corner of carpet up, revealing another trapdoor.

“In there.” She commanded. "Now."
Alex stared, wondering if it was the entrance to some kind of kinky dungeon. Artie rushed past and heaved the door open.
“Come along Lanky Locks, do as the nice…” He looked at Trudy whose muscles chose that moment to bulge “… lady… says” he politely suggested.
Trudy smiled coquettishly. “You should listen to your friend” she smouldered.
“Stop talking!” Cried Boyd, as gas began to pour under the door. “Get down there!”
They all bundled in, including Chibbly who charged into the room, just as Chuck was lowering Jaxx into Alex’s grasp. At the frightened Alpaca's force they all slid down the ladder and fell in an uncomfortable heap. Apart from Trudy who climbed in and delicately fastened the carpet and door behind them, to ensure they were hidden.

There was the sound of mask-muffled voices in the room above. They could make out the odd word. “… trapdoor…”
Boyd gasped but before he could freak, Evelina clapped a hand over his mouth.
Trudy calmly descended the ladder into the dimly lit area, where the others still sat in a knot of limbs and claws. She aided in de-tangling them, hauled them up, and straightened her outfit.

“Misdirection.” She smiled and grabbed a few flashlights from an earthy wall-cut shelf, taking one herself and chucking one to Artie and another to Eve. “Come with me.”
The somewhat startled Dwarfers and gang followed her down a tunnel-like subterranean corridor.
“Mrs Trudy?” Asked Evelina, shivering a little in the dank underground passageway.
“Yes dear?”
“How come you’ve got a trapdoor and a secret other escape trapdoor with a tunnel?”
“Oh, this sort of thing happens more often than you might expect.” Dismissed the larger woman, with a casual flick of her neatly polished nails. “You’ve got to be prepared for these things."

She turned to Solvay. “So nice of your little group to come back an’ see me, honey.”
A rather uncomfortable Alex scratched his head.
“Uh, I, uhm.” He faltered, not entirely sure how to address her. He cleared his throat. “Darlin’” He experimented. Boyd sniggered.
“Um, love...” he substituted.
Artemis nudged him and gave him a click-of-the-tongue embellished wink. Trudy politely pretended not to notice.
Alex sighed. “… Sir?” He tried.

Trudy certainly noticed this. She simultaneously glowered and pouted, emitting an air of semi-hurt and semi-terrifying danger.
Bit like a fabulously dressed volcano.

“Darlin’” backpeddled Solvay. "Darlin'." His nads were still kinda sore from MP’s smack-attack. He really didn’t fancy them being twisted off by a hairy woman who was considerably larger than himself.
At the correct terminology, Trudy stopped walking and pulled him happily to her. “You’re learning, my little studmuffin.”
Alex whimpered.
There were more sniggers.

-------- Continued in Part 2, next ------------>

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