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View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI

View character profile for: Boyd Weathers
Posted byPosted: Oct 14, 2013, 11:55am
Artemis was sprawled over the bed, snoring loudly. In the bed next to his, Boyd was sleeping peacefully, holding a screwdriver to protect himself from the on-existent corporation that was "stalking him". Artemis drempt himself out of the room and into the clouds.
The 49 year old scientist flew around the sky, whooping happily as he flew about without a care in the world. He came to a landing, layng down on a cloud. A group of puppies rushed over and started licking his feet
Artemis sat up "Puppies?" he said groggily. Not puppies, but a homeless vagrant with a look of sheer insanity. Artemis screamed and kicked off the homeless man. Artemis scrambled for his syringe gun, but the vagrant pinned him down. He opened his mouth to show a ghastly parasite. "Sweet mother of science that is wrong!" Artemis yelled. There was a loud squish, blood shot out of the man's head and onto Artemis as Boyd drove the screwdriver into his temple. The vagrant fell back into a puddle of his own blood, two maids rushed in with cleavers. Boyd rushed to attack them. He lost the screwdriver in the arm of one and was knocked away. The woman turned to Boyd and tried to chop him, but the pilot rolled away. A syringe shot into he woman's neck, she fell to her knees. Artemis fired a second into the back of her head, and fired four others into the other maid.
"So...uh..." Artemis started. "I guess we're checking out" Boyd finished.
Artemis left the room wearing a elegant brown pants/jacket combo with a light blue vest over a white ruffled shirt, and draped a black cloak over the entire ensemble to conceal the syringe gun and his equipment. Artemis put on a tri-corner hat to add to the ensemble, complete with a feather. He waited outside the room for Boyd to finish dressing....
(Sorry it wasn't longer, I've been buried in work lately)