Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
Room Service
Posted byPosted: Oct 13, 2013, 5:29pm
“I’m going with a month” Katrina said.
“No way.” Jay said, “She could barely shoot straight when she left. To get as good with a gun as she is now would take at least 3. Probably closer to 6…”
“Tenner says you’re on, we ask Cass, whoever guesses her time away closest wins”
“Might as well hand it over now..” Jay said, “So, you spend any time in this period, while you were in the STCP?” he asked his wife as she pulled on the heavy gown she’d acquired.
“Not much” she replied, as Jay pulled tight on the cords to tighten he dress around her, before tying it in a tight knot.
“….much prefer getting you undressed…” he smirked
“I’m sure that can be arranged once we’re back on the ‘Dwarf” she said turning to face her husband. “But no” she continued “I spent some time in the Caribbean 60 or so years before this, but otherwise nothing. You?”
“Yes, but, not in Britain. I got tied up in the 1st Siege of Warsaw briefly…the Imperial Russia and Kingdom of Prussia tried to take Warsaw, what they didn’t know at the time though was that they were being controlled by a time-travelling simulant from 2867. He was after some STCP tech that had gotten lost by another agent somewhere in Warsaw. He called off the attack when he realised he’d been in an extracted it, that would have a been only a few months ago actually….”
“That was only a fleeting visit mind you, I spent a lot more time over in the US, got caught up in the Revolutionary War. Was supposed to be a quick mission, but seconds after ‘porting in my terminal got hit by a straw arrow from a Cherokee hunter and I had to await rescue. I was there a few months before Phil tracked me down and sent Hoshi in to get me, – in fact, I’m probably there right now…makes me wonder why Cass didn’t try to contact me then…”
“Maybe we should go visit…I’m sure I’d have fun…”
“Poor guy still thinks you’re dead. It’d be one hell of a shock…”
“Then I’d get to see that priceless look you had on your face when you found out I wasn’t again…and YOU’D get to see it too!” she leaned in to kiss Jay, when the door knocked.
“Probably Phil” Jay said “He told me he was going looking for a kebab…if he’s managed one anywhere nearby I’ll be asking some questions…”
“He always manages to find one though doesn’t he.”
“There was one time, when he actually came into the field with me where he managed to get hold of one in the Neolithic era! I mean HOW?!”
He answered the door, it was a chambermaid.
“Oh, hi. Er we’re ok for room service right now thanks…”
“Sorry guv’nor, this’ll only take a minute!”
“Can’t you do it while we’re out?” Jay gestured discreetly to his wife to quickly scoop up their weapons and equipment and conceal them on her person, luckily her gown’s skirt provided plenty of room to conceal things.
Suddenly, a loud crashing noise was heard from the room opposite, which was, unknown to Jay and Katrina, the sound of Jaxx smashing through Jade’s wall.
The chambermaid didn’t bat an eyelid. “The smeg?” Jay murmered, leaning past the maid and glancing down the corridor toward the noise, before being thrown back into the room and onto the floor by the servant.
She clambered on top of him, and leant in, opening her mouth widely revealing the parasite within.
"Christ...I know this wasn’t exactly the golden age of dental hygiene, but smeg…Kitty, you got any Listerine under that skirt, this girl needs it!” Jay muttered as he fought her off.
“Got something better…” Katrina replied, and unleashed a shot from her high-caliber pistol blowing the chambermaids head clean off.
Jay got to his feet. “Not cool Kat! You know the rules about time travel! That could have been Seymours great, great, great grandmother! Shoot her again to make sure she’s dead!”
Katrina smiled, and hoisted up her skirt, unclipped a second pistol from her thigh and tossed it to Jay. They crossed the corridor and weapons raised burst into Jades room, where a skutter, with some cotton wool stuck to it’s chassis, was wrestling with another inn worker.
The married couple both opened fire and blasted several holes in the attacker, who stumbled back through the hole made in the wall.
Reloading, Jay spun around and faced Jaxx, and he stunned Jade. “We gotta get everyone, and get outta here…”
He yelled “Come on let’s move…”
<tag everyone>