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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Fool-ish Thoughts
Posted byPosted: Aug 15, 2013, 7:20am
As he was mute on this level, Alex the Fool couldn’t respond to the small woman verbally. He didn’t particularly mind this fact, as he should probably keep his big stoopid trap shut anyway. It was sharing feelings that got you into painful messes like this in the first place.
He sighed deeply, rubbed his recently kissed chin, and watched her bustling through the other Dwarfers. Brave? Self-protective? Kind? Hurt? Indifferent? Easy come, easy go? Lovely, at any rate…
And definitely, definitely too good for him.
While he hated to admit it, even to, or perhaps especially to, himself, he knew that on some level at least, Cass had been right about his problems. He was dependable where a lot of stuff was concerned (being grumpy, mainly) - but not everything.
I don't trust you, don't you dare trust me...
He was a selfish no good al-… A selfish no good al… al… He huffed at the thought and tried it again.
A selfish no good Al-ex.
Lucky escape, Jade. For the best sweetheart.
He didn’t know how he felt about the fact Doc Black wanted to be his friend. Weren’t lovers (actual love-ers, not meaningless stands) just friends with extra bits anyway…
He grumbled inwardly at the thought that even marooned three million years in the future, you still couldn’t escape the evils of relationship-caused emotional heartache. You’d think that the Dwarfers’ maroonship might have offered at least that in the way of compensation – make it all fighting, and grit, and no time for feelings - but no. You could literally transplant yourself billions of miles away from civilisation and still find yourself being confronted with. “Alex, I loved you, you big prick.”
Lady Karma, you are one ballsy gal.
Whatever, he was relieved that after their initial mutual-mope, the perfect, petite temptress didn’t seem too sad. She'd said she agreed they didn’t really get each other. That was good. He hated the thought of her being sad.
He put it in the bottom drawer again. With the whiskey.
With a strange jangly head-jerk, he realised he’d not wanted to drink, or partake of any sort of self medication while he’d been in the AR.
He blinked. Maybe he should stay here.
Don’t be stupid Solvay, you can’t stay in Artificial Reality. That’s mental. Anyway you have to get home… Never did find the time drive… And before that, gotta get Cass. And gotta save Bedge.
He sighed. His diary needed clearing of insanely tough things, and filling with pleasurable activities instead.
Things like holidaying with the lads back in the day, sitting around the pool as shiny-skinned ladies flicked their hair and flirted and tempted, and received what they requested.
Things like fixing stuff up in his workshop while the kids played in the garden and their animals harassed him.
Things like taking the kids to the park with Bingle the Beagle.
Things like Jess, before she hated him.
Things like tuning up the skutters, making ‘em happy.
Things like going about his, puh, ‘janitorial’ chores with Bedge.
And things like going back to the officer’s club with Plisken for another smoke, story, and perhaps a jacuzzi...
He was shocked at the last few things on his mental list, set as they were this side of his divorce, and this side of stasis.
Well, wasn’t that something…
“Solvay!” Jay barked. “Come on you lazy smegger, keep up.”
“Yeah, keep up, Grumpelstiltskin.” Jacky rolled his eyes.
Solvay was unable to grumble anything in response. He just heaved another sigh.
“Come on lad” Plisken put a hand on his back, and ushered him onwards. “We’ve got the Chamber of Boridium to find.”
"Uh, I hate to tell you this dudes..." Jaxx swallowed and everyone came to a halt.
"But there's a humungous spider with a double head on the ceiling. And its double head is a double dog-head."
Solvay felt all the fur on his body stand on end.
The Dwarfers slowly looked up...