Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Posted byPosted: Aug 13, 2013, 5:43am
As the giant wandered away, a couple of people sniggered at how easily Jamie was distracting him.
“Try now!” Jamie told the others.
Jaxx scratched his head. “Uh, dude, well done on distracting the giant, but like how do we get through, though?”
“I dunno,” Jay said “try another beanstalk or something.”
Evelina nodded. “Yeah. Quick, water that weed.”
“Well, okay, but I don’t see how-”
Alex was watching the giant’s plodding form, worried that he’d turn back at any moment. “Quick Jaxx, just try! Shoot us up to the sky!”
The large florist shrugged and watered the weed. As it grew larger, they all grabbed on and shot skywards.
Alex noticed Jamie holding Jade tight to the beanstalk to stop her from falling. She looked at Alex, with a peculiar expression on her face. He blinked, and clung to the stalk.
Wait just a min, are they rubbing it in? Apparently even some of his thoughts currently rhymed.
Soon they were high in the sky.
“Hurrah! We’re far away from the giant!” Artie announced.
“Yeah, dude. But we’re just right up in the air, how are we supposed to be getting over the gate and stuff?” Jaxx finally had the chance to point out.
Jay took one hand off the stalk to face-palm. “Ah.”
“Good point, flower-man.” Artie sighed.
“In fact, the beanstalk’s still growing!” Jamie pointed out. “Who’s stupid idea was this anyway?”
Jay and Alex pointed at each other.
“Yeah.” Jamie nodded. “Alex is the one that told him to actually do it. He told him to send us up to the sky.”
Alex scowled.
“Careful!” Jade teased. “If you keep pulling that face, the wind’ll change and you’ll get stuck like it.”
“Hasn’t that already happened?” Jamie joked in reply. And everyone cracked up, even Jade, as it was her joke in the first place.
“Pft. You mean disloyal rats. Just shut up you bunch of prats!” Solvay told them.
He thought back to just before they’d entered level 2. Jamie had helped the small doctor from the swamp and as the other guy had helped her up she’d given Alex that same peculiar look.
Eventually the beanstalk pushed through some stones and came to a halt. Apparently they were in a strange land high above the original ground.
Everyone scrambled off.
“Er, when Tregard said get past the gate…” Evelina frowned, disengaging herself from the beanstalk. “I don’t think he meant from above the clouds, now I come to think about it.”
Jay shrugged, and jumped from the stalk onto the solid rock. “Maybe he did.”
“Yeah Eve babe,” Jaxx did a calamar type twirl as he leapt from his perch. “Let’s at least check it out up here.”
Jamie helped Jade from the beanstalk then began scouting about with Artemis (who couldn’t help but paint and transform several rocks and tree stumps along the way).
Jade brushed her hands together and headed over to Alex. “You okay?”
He shrugged. “Why’d you wanna make me jel? I thought you were a nicer gel.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” said Jade’s mouth. In Alex’s opinion, her eyes said something else.
He sighed. “You and me, we ain’t the same. I don’t enjoy a heart-ache game.”
“Heart ache? I don’t want to give you heartache. I just-“
“Told you Jade, I ain’t a toy…” he took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, looking glumly at the ground “… I’m a straight up kinda boy.”
It was ridiculous trying to have a serious discussion when you couldn’t help but rhyme.
“Alex I’m not sure this is the time or place…”
He gave her a hurt and sulky look.
She don’t know my heart at all. She wants to play me for a fool. He winced at the poor choice of mental phrasing – given that he was currently a Fool.
He gave her a little gentle head-scritch, then strode off, up front to ask Jay the next part of the plan. As he passed Jamie he clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a strangely unreadable smile before continuing on.
He trudged onwards to Jay. Before he could reach the leader, though, Artemis turned to him. “Oh look!” He announced, holding something in his hands. “Lanky Locks! I painted this rock into an egg, and it looks like its hatching!”
“Cool! That’s a good egg." His knee buckled briefly as his calf spasmed. "Shit! Pain in my leg!”
Jay turned and dropped back to look at the hatching egg. “Artemis, what were you thinking of when you painted it? This might not be good news…”
“Oh I’m sure it’ll be a harmless little creature who will simply assist us on our quest. At least there are no giants up here!”
“Smeg! You were saying!?”
The Dwarfers began to run and scatter.
<TAG Anyone.
What is hatching?
What happens with the giants?
Have we “passed the gate” up here or do we still need to get down?>
NB. Again, have only tagged people I know are here. Join in if you wanna be here.