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View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Like it was all planned...
Posted byPosted: Aug 13, 2013, 2:47am
Dungeon Master appeared again as he said, "Very creative for a florist. I am curious to see what you will do as you progress in levels. Remember every five levels you will encounter a Boss, which is a more powerful creature that offers more points. Once you have recovered your team you may now head towards level 2."
"What's going on in there?" Seymour asked, at the moment, perfectly happy not being a part of it, having seen Dragons on screen. He may have wanted to join in at some point, but for now, he was watching on the screen.
"I don't know." Jamie replied. "I'm fixing this set of equipment before I can join them." he said, reattaching a cable.
The screen nearby flashed up with 'System Ready', and he smiled at himself.
"Done. Let's go." he said, strapping himself into the gloves, and putting the helmet on.
Everything went black momentarily.
"Fear not." said the voice of the Dungeon Master. "You may have joined in late, but the level transition is now. You will join your companions on level Two."
"What Am I?" Jamie asked, but then the level faded in, and everyone was around him.
"Made it." He said, as everyone noticed him. "Had to fix part of the AR suite to let me in." He explained.
Treguard appeared in front of them all.
"Welcome to level Two." He said. "You have made it through the forest, but now, you need to gain access to the Castle." he said. In front of them all was indeed a huge castle. The forest was spread out behind them, with no sign of dragons or goblins.
Up at the castle gates, there was a single guard. He looked almost as big as the gates themselves.
"Beware, there is a Giant that guards these gates. This is level Two, so he will be more powerful than the Dragons..." He said to everyone, before turning to Jamie.
"Your new friend may be of some use here." He said. "You, are what we call a mesmeriser. Your powers are those of mind tricks. Your main ability is distraction. If you use it well, you may well be able to get everyone past this guard, but the others will have to find a way through the gate. Your powers do not work on inanimate objects.
"Great." Jamie said. He looked down at himself.
In this world, he was wearing what looked like a green velvet suit. He could feel something on his face, which he removed to check on. It was a masquerade type mask, not unlike the one he had been wearing at the ball. However, this one was shiny.... It was mostly green, but with specks of silver on it.
"What do you think he meant by you can get us past the Dragon?" Jay asked.
"He has the power of distraction." Alex began. "You can force the Giant into Action." He added, before going silent and grumpy. The rhymes were obviously getting to him.
"That was poor." Jay said. "Distraction and action only rhyme because distraction ends in action." He said, hoping for something better.
"It's not me, it's the power. You're just jealous, and a little sour." Alex replied. Everyone laughed at the much better rhyme.
"Ok, I'll give it a try." He said, stepping in front of the group, and returning them to the task at hand. He had a short staff, more like a large wand, which he swished at the Giant. They were far enough away that the Giant wasn't bothering with them, but within range of some of their abilities.
"Hey, What's that over there?" Jamie said, as his wand erupted in purple light, as well as a similar light from the eye holes in his mask.
The giant stopped. "Huh?" it said, and began to wander off away from the gate.
"This power does not last forever. You must utilise the time you have properly." Treguard said, before vanishing.
<tag. Modified for lolz>