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View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Grab Twist Pull: Part 2
Everyone was on edge. Aware for danger. They were so preoccupied, that no one noticed when Jade fell behind. They took a few swift turns, too quick for Jade's battered feet to keep up with and vanished into a secret passage. When Jade turned the corner, they had vanished. Assuming that they had entered the nearest doorway. Jade opened it and walked in.
He was stood there, in a loin cloth that barely covered anything. Now he was conscious, the female servant was... apologising for her earlier indiscretion. He didn't even bother to cover up.
"What?! Alex?!" She asked, heat fatigued brain wondering how he could have gotten rid of the others, so undressed and so... excited, in such a short space of time.
"Ah. My sweet... Mereneith here was just leaving." He shoved her off and glared at her. "She was apologising for an indiscretion earlier... Poor judgement if you will." He swanned over to Jade and guided her into the room, his movements fluid and seductive. His closeness was uncomfortably pressing, if you will.
Jade looked up at him, his eyes soft and aquamarine with no sign of any dark circles. He was filled out and muscled, a lean and bronzed Adonis. He strutted like he knew it too. His hair was short and cropped...
His hair was short?
Jade ducked out of his grasp and made for the door. Realising her mistake too late. Not ready for the move, he wasn't able to stop her but grabbed the hem of the hot pants.
"You aren't Jaaday are you?" He pronounced her name in the cringe worthy way, the non existent accent on the 'e' over enunciated.
"Apparently not." She squirmed in his grasp. His free hand making a move to secure a firmer grasp and pull her in close.
"I didn't think that you... That she would be caught dead looking so filthy. Look at you, dressed up like a cheep whore." He sneered, looking down at her from his hight. He pressed his lips to hers in a hot kiss. She could smell the oils and perfumes on him, a heady mix of sweat and artificial cover-ups. Several thoughts passed through Jade's mind, the first was that this was not entirely unpleasant, as she melted into the kiss. Two was that this man's oral hygiene was not nearly as good as her Alex. Third was that they kissed differently. Fourth was the unsettling connotations of referring to him as 'her' Alex. He broke away the kiss and tossed her aside into the room. Blocking her exit.
"You are more uptight than my Jaaday. We need to relax you."
"Stay away." She said, moving to place furniture between them. Soft hands curled around her waist, cool arms bedecked with gold bangles, rings and other jewellery.
"Who is your new plaything Lexipoo?" Her own soft Irish dialect cut through her like a knife, except it was edged with the local accent as well. A truly exotic and weird sounding voice.
"It's one of the ones who came through the portal. An alternate version of you. Ra believes that if we drain them dry we can access the heavens and have all we will ever need." Twalex (either Alex two or twit Alex, your choice) explained to the woman.
"Let me take a look at you." Jaaday turned Jade around and scrutinised her. "Oh, this wont do. You really do look terrible, that long hair, suck bags under your eyes... And!" She poked, prodded and pulled at Jade, then gasped as she noticed the scars on her wrists. "Where on earth did you get those? How stupid were you? Why would you try to commit suicide you silly girl." Jade bristled with anger and fury. Her face must have flushed red as the woman laughed.
It was a burbling gurgle like a strangled stream, not the open joyful laugh that Jade had. The alternate was taller, the result of killer four inch heals. Her hair was cropped savagely short, giving her face angles and looking sharper than it was. Her eyes were heavily decorated, thick Kohl and powders all over her. She was bedecked in silks and gold all over.
"I didn't. Tony raped me several times over several days and beat me to within an inch of my life. The scars are where I tried to escape." She glowered at Jaaday.
"Who's Tony?" The evil bimbo asked.
"Someone I'm both glad I met and wish I never did." Jade stated with an odd mix of deflated sense of being and pride.
"Now, now girls. Can we all play nicely together?" Alex walked over, running fingers down both womens necks. Jade melted at the touch, annoyed at how well he pressed her buttons. I guess marriage was an advantage like that.
"Maybe we should tie her up first? She must enjoy it." Jaaday leaned and picked up a silken rope winding it around one of Jade's wrists. Jade fought the urge to vanish inside, to her secret safe place. The rope was soft and didn't chafe, but the memories did.
"Get off me." She warned.
"Aww, poor baby..." The alternate purred. Her voice dripping with liquid honied sarcasm. She clawed sharp nails down Jade's back causing her to hiss in pain.
"Evil cow." Jade growled.
"Now, now, no need for that." Jaaday sinuously wound herself around Jade so that she was kissing Twalex. It was excruciatingly awkward and Jade had had enough, she wasn't going to get out of this unless she helped herself. When Jaaday came up for air. Jade made her move.
She nutted her alternate.
Blood exploded from her nose as the shorter (thanks to bare feet) woman connected her forehead with the fragile protrusion. She howled as she backed off and assessed the damage, her pride causing her to only think of herself. Alex kept hold of Jade as she struggled, a firm muscled arm around her neck. Jade did as every girl was taught when you are attacked by a man, step one: if possible stab him in the foot with high heels, dragging it down his shin first if possible. given the bare feet, she moved onto step two:
Grab. Twist. Pull.
She grabbed a handful of Twalex's most sensitive parts and gripped it with the sort of force needed to restrain angry animals. Then she exerted a jam jar lid removing twist upon the apparatus in question.
Twalex howled in utter unbearable agony. His grip on her neck loosened and he dropped like a sack of day old potatoes to the floor.
Jade brushed her hands off and headed to the door. She paused to look at him. She didn't hear the door open behind her.
"You know aren't worth ten of him." Jade said, looking down her nose at the goit in front of her.
"Why? I have everything, the looks, the money, the power. What makes an alcoholic looser like that worth any time of anyone's day?" Twalex said, gasping for breath in misery from his tortured family jewels.
"What? The fact you even have to ask says it all really. That you cannot see beyond his problems, tells me how shallow you really are. He is one of the kindest people I know, despite his problems he will always help others first. So he likes to drink, so what? Everybody loses, we all got bruises as a song one said. you have to look beyond the mask that we wear to what's beneath."
"We are the same, him and I!" Twalex spat.
"No. You are a shallow, greedy, evil little man. He is not. He is not the pathetic loser. You are." Jade huffed him in the chest for good measure to keep him down and turned back to the door.
Jamie, Hasina and Alex were stood there.
"Ah!... Hi..." Jade flushed a bright shade of crimson, wondering how much of the speech Alex had heard.
OOC - The implication being he heard all of it as the door opened before.