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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
They Walk Alike And Talk Alike
Posted byPosted: Jul 16, 2013, 10:11pm
The birdmen released Jaxx from his sphere prison and escorted him with the Sun God out the door and to a large platform that hovered. Once on board the platform it took them to a large pyramid that contained a large palace inside. After leaving the platform, Jaxx looked around and was amazed by the décor and shiny things all around. The Sun God proudly took Jaxx on a tour of his palace. Jaxx still wasn’t sure what to make of this crazy girly man so he kept quite till he could find the others, especially his BFF Eve babe.
As Jaxx was escorted through the many rooms of the palace he saw many outlandish decorations. The Sun God said, “And here is my one of a kind spa. As you can see it is made of pure golden platinum and encrusted with a barrage of rare gems. I find it helps relax me on my more troubling days.” Suddenly Jaxx heard a whisper on his headset, “If you want to see your friend Evelina again keep your mouth shut and do as I say or this Sissy Mary will have you both killed. Now tap your right hip twice if you understand me.” Jaxx paused in fear, as he knew he was in a bad spot. However, his instinct forced him to tap his hip twice as he pretended to listen to the girly Sun God. As the girly Sun God rambled on and on about how good he had it Jaxx just patiently listened.
Eventually Jaxx was escorted to the throne room where the Sun God granted him an audience. The girly Sun God said, “Well as you can see by my fabulous palace and elite guards that any who choose to ally with me would surely prosper.” The voice whispered to Jaxx, “Just nod your head once.” Jaxx nodded and made the girly Sun God very happy. Then the Sun God looked at Jaxx and said, “I must admit I am curious. Are you the silent type or are you just unable to speak?” The voice whispered to Jaxx, “Hold up two fingers.” Jaxx did as he was told and the Sun God replied, “Ahh Ha! I knew it you can only speak underwater right. It makes total sense that your God Dakuwaqa would make you in such a way. Tee hee. I bet he did it to keep his children from mouthing off to him.” The voice whispered to Jaxx, “Don’t answer that. Just stay still and let him babble on.”
The Sun God then said, “Well then I will meet with your God in a week to invite him to join my forces. You are now free to enjoy the luxuries of my palace as long as you behave yourself, and to ensure your stay is both safe and pleasant I will assign the Captain of my guard to you. Oh Anubis darling be a good dog and make sure our guest is taken care of.” A guard with a metal jackal head emerged from the shadows Anubis was wearing some golden arm bands on his arms and legs along with a fine black silk Shendyt (wrap around skirt). Anubis approached the throne and bowed before the girly Sun God, before escorting Jaxx out of the throne room.
After they made it into a private room Jaxx looked around and saw a nice balcony, which oversaw the land. Anubis walked next to Jaxx and then looked at the land as well. From this height they could see the slaves working in the blistering sun. The voice said to Jaxx, “Its terrible how they treaty them isn’t it?” Jaxx nodded as he stared at the slaves. Then Jaxx realized the voice came from Anubis. Jaxx slowly turned to look at the man with a metal jackal head just in time to see him push a button on his chest and open up his jackal mask. Jaxx flipped up his visor in shock as he realized he was looking at himself only with shark teeth.
Alternate Jaxx smiled and said, “I see we are built to last regardless where we came from.” Jaxx nodded as he replied, “Wow dude this is totally psychedelic.” Alternate Jaxx said, “It appears you took a few blows to the head huh?” Jaxx shook his head and replied, “Naaah bro someone like shot me with a wicked dart and totally gave me brain damage.” Alternate Jaxx held in his laughter as he replied, “Oh so that what was in that dart. It’s a good thing I killed her before she could shoot me.” Jaxx looked surprised as he asked, “So who was she?” Alternate Jaxx replied, I dunno. She was badly damaged before I even clawed her. I figured she was exposed to something nasty.” Jaxx sighed as he said, “Oh……I was expecting more.” Alternate Jaxx replied, “Well you never know. Since you didn’t kill her you might run into her again in your world.”
Jaxx thought about his words for a moment then realized, “Dude we need to save Eve babe.” Alternate Jaxx held up his hands and said, “As in Evelina Stone?” Jaxx looked at his Egyptian double with great concern waiting for an answer. Alternate Jaxx replied, “Not so fast Jaxx. The rest of my team have been working on saving all the people here and we can’t afford to blow our cover just yet.” Jaxx pleaded, “But dude I totally can’t bale on her.” Then Jaxx looked at the ground sadly as he said, “She’s my only friend. Please don’t make me……..”. Alternate Jaxx looked at Jaxx for a moment and then sighed as he said, “Damn it! She’s got you whipped too huh?” Jaxx looked at Alternate Jaxx with hope as he said, “You like mean you and her……”
Alternate Jaxx shook his head and replied, “Yeah she keeps me on a short leash too. Look the only females allowed in here are slaves and servants. So unless you want her parading in a skimpy outfit serving you wine and grapes……………..actually that doesn’t sound half bad provided she doesn’t punish us later.” Jaxx replied, “Well she like only has to pretend in front of others right?” Alternate Jaxx rubbed his chin as he nodded, “I will have to give this some thought.”