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View character profile for: Molly Willis
I knew I forgot something.
Molly awoke in her quarters with a bit of drool going down her face. She tumbled out of the bed and onto the pile of garbage covering the entirety of her floor.
"Zz-huh?" she spurted upon impact.
She got up very slowly. In fact, she didn't get up at all. She went back to sleep on the floor for another three hours before waking up from her dream about antagonistic eels.
She yawned and stretched her arms. She scratched her back for a good 30 seconds. She stumbled out of her room, made coffee, drank some, and then poured it down the drain after remembering that she despised coffee.
She wondered what she would do today. There felt like something she should have been doing, but she didn't know what it was. She took this as a signal to stop thinking about it.
She decided to go down corridor and pester the rest of the crew. Seymour was never in the mood for antics. Perhaps she could steal all of his socks and hang them in the drive room. She'd get a laugh out of his face, she bet.
She entered his room only to find it vacant.
"Well..." she said "If you're going to be a bad sport about it..."
she flushed all his socks out the airlock instead.
She checked the other crew member's rooms. All vacant.
Whatever she was supposed to be doing, it must have been important.
She fiddled with her communicator wristwatch out of boredom, and received Alex on it.
"Where are you lot?" she asked.
"We're currently in an alternate circus-themed universe, Jaxx has adopted a lizard dog, which makes our mad scientist friend very cross. Oh, and Jacky's recovering from a hivemind spider creature latching onto his brain, causing him to speak his mind." Alex said. "Now where the smeg have you been?"
Molly had never been happier to have slept in.