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View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
A Personal Debt
Posted byPosted: Jun 29, 2013, 6:55pm
<Okay, sorry for the confusion and constant scrutiny over my own posts. I used to be part of some Star Trek email group whose members went ape-shit crazy over story errors and always expected me to fix the most inane crap. I used to fix my "errors" so much that it's second nature. Give me a week or two and to work it out of my system and I'll be fine. So, here it is. Again, sorry.....>
"It can be well behaved all it wants, it isn't getting onboard Blue Dwarf unless you let me run a quarantine check on it!" Artemis yelled, keeping the flamethrower trained on the dog. "Do you know what kind of diseases those things carry? If some alien virus gets loose aboard the ship it's game over for all of us! Now, that business aside, don't we have a mission to do?" "What's your deal with our mission anyway? Weren't you frozen when Jay got sick in the first place?" Alex said condescendingly. "Yes....I was, but that doesn't mean that we never met before. I owe Mr. Chrysler a....personal debt. Anyway, I'll head back up and let Mr. Plisken and Dr. Black know of our progress, and to collect some samples to start my research into a cure. I hope to see you all later. Mr. Jaxx, Mrs. Evelina, it was a pleasure meeting you but I have science to attend to!" Artemis made his way back up the rope and out into their reality, leaving Alex, Jacky, Jaxx, and Evelina behind.
"What was down there?" Jade asked Artemis as he came up through the hole. "I....don't know, a parallel reality? Anyway, we found two of your crewmen down there" Plisken helped Artemis out of the hole and checked to make sure that the rope hadn't snapped. "Where are the others?" Plisken asked. "They'll be up shortly, I think. If not I think it's safe enough for you to go in there after them. In the meantime I must get started on this cure if we are to save Mr. Chrysler from a painful, nano-viral death" Artemis dusted himself off and began his trek into the swamp. "Wait, where are you going?" Plisken shouted after him. "I'm going to collect the appropriate samples and return to Starbug to begin my research. My communicator is dialed to Channel Six if you need to contact me. Now if that's all Mr. Plisken I really must be going!" Artemis disappeared into the swamp, leaving Plisken and Jade at the entrance to the strange reality.