Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Take Me to the Other Side
Posted byPosted: Jun 29, 2013, 12:40am
"What the hell was that?" Alex whispered. "Oh, you heard that? Thank god, I thought it was the mosquito juice!" Artemis replied. Jacky ran over to the two men and hid behind them. "It's an alien! We're going to die!" he cried. "Damnit Jacky, don't start that shit again!" a large creature emerged from the shadows. "GOOD GOD! KILL IT WITH FIRE" Artemis shouted, aiming the flamethrower at the creature. "NO! STOP!" somebody shouted from the shadows.....
Evelina yelled, “NO! STOP!” as she turned her suit lights on again on her MACO armor. Jaxx held onto Zod the Vox Dawg as he yelled, "Yo dudes chill out! You’re totally harshing Zod’s mellow mood!” Jacky paused in surprise as she said, “Is that you Jaxx?” Jaxx replied, “Totally Goggles dude. We have been chillin here after Eve babe shot some flares and we decorated the tree with glow sticks. Hec dude we even stuck a pipe through the water tree so you could like find the door and stuff.” Evelina said, “We kept our lights off to conserve the power in our suits till you all found us.”
Alex asked so you didn’t have a problem with the bugs on your way here?” Evelina replied, “Of course not Jaxx’s suits even kept the muck from getting on our skin. We found this place by accident when we heard a scream in the distance.” Alex replied, “Yeah that was from the spooky spiders we ran into. By the way they have a taste for human brains. They already nibbled in Jacky’s earlier so try not to get mad when he says something off base. Oh and watch out for the glowing worms too.” Jaxx lit up his suit and looked up while holding Zod and said, “Wasn’t Goggles like that before? Oh and while we are like talking and stuff can you tell the candle dude to chill before Zod looses his cool?” Alex asked, “Umm sure but who the smeg is Zod?” Jaxx used his lights to illuminate the Vox Dawg as he replied, “This righteous due is my friend Zod.”
Artemis stared at the Vox Dawg before disarming his flamethrower and replied, “Ahh my apologies I am Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI and I see you adopted a Vox Dawg. Well I hope you will teach it some manners otherwise the others might not let you keep it.” Jacky replied, “What’s a Vox Dawg?” Artemis answered, “A Vox Dawg is an alien lizard like dog like creature that explorers domesticated long ago and would often get lost on planets they explored.” The rest of the crew said, “Ohhhhh…..” in unison. Jaxx interrupted, “I am Jaxx and this righteous babe is Evelina Stone and this righteous dude I am holding is named Zod.” Alex interjected, “As fascinating as that is why the smeg are we in an old amusement park and where the smeg are the others?”