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View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
The spiderparts in his brain were forcing him to speak his thoughts, and not allowing him any private internal dialogue...
The scream sounded off to the right…
Jacky had a very odd feeling.
"I think that that spider-thing. The whatever. I think it ate my brain." Jacky said.
Alex looked at him.
"I beg your pardon?" he said.
"The things I just said. About you being depressing and about Jade's breasts. I wouldn't have said those things. I don't think so, anyway. I suppose it depends on probability, really. Which reminds me of a really good novel by--" Jacky rambled.
"To the point!" Alex snapped.
"That thing. It wedged itself into my brain and copied my voice. What if it copied more than that? What if it took things away?" Jacky said. "I suppose my point is, I can't stop talking."
"I should say so." Plisken cut in.
"No, really. I mean I can't stop voicing my thoughts. I have an uncontrollable urge to say everything that crosses my mind even slightly, and I can't stop it. God, these mosquitoes are pissing me off. I may be a pacifist, but I wouldn't mind if they went extinct. I mean honestly-" Jacky started to ramble again.
"Look, we'll figure everything out after we catch the thing. Try and shut up for now." Alex said.
"Can't promise that. What just scraped against my foot? Oh, it was just a rock. That's an oddly shaped crater on that rock. I'll have to remember that. I should really-"
Jade forced her hand over Jacky's mouth.
"You wouldn't happen to have duct tape in your pockets, would you?" she said.
"I do, in fact." he said. "I keep it in my pocket ever since I saw the movie "Aliens," because of the scene where Ripley-"
"Use it."