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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Posted byPosted: Jun 27, 2013, 7:17am
"So. What's a pretty girl like you doing on a ship like this?" Jamie asked, leaning against a bar. The polished wooden bar making for a nice change from the solid metal walls of the entire ship.
Cass was stood next to him, and a pint was just placed in front of her.
"Well, that depends on what you had in mind." She replied, with a sly grin.
"Well." He said, sliding along the bar to get closer to her. "I'm sure I can think of something we can do to pass the time." He continued, leaning in towards her a bit. There was some soft background noise, gentle music and a lovely atmosphere to the place. the human bar staff were clean, tidy and not out of place in the slightest.
He continued leaning until their lips met, and it became a passionate embrace. Warning sirens went off in his head, but he ignored them. So what if they worked together, and she was essentially his superior, even if they didn't really have ranks out here. SO what if she had a death robot that could kill him in a moments notice.
He was enjoying it. The moment, the lust....
The warning siren continued. The Siren's song summons all men to their doom, eventually.
"Hey, That warning means 'wake up'. I know you haven't been back from the jungle long, but you can't mistake it for anything else." Holly said, appearing on the screen in his room. Jamie woke up with a start, and rubbed his face.
"A dream?" He asked, to no one in particular. Holly wasn't likely to know if he was dreaming, but the fact that he was lying in bed made it kind of obvious. These were the first humans he had spent time with in 10 years, and it showed.
"I need to get laid." he said to himself, trying to push the dream to the back of his mind.
A short time later, and they were all on the swamp moon. Jamie had his makeshift engineering kit for emergencies in his backpack, and was holding a psi-scanner. He was walking through the muck some 5-6 feet from Cass, though he kind of wished he wasn't on her team, for reasons that don't need explaining at this juncture.
He stared forwards, listening for the beeping of the psi-scanner. Without knowing it, his gaze drifted over to Cass' back, and memories of his dream came back to him. They walked.
"JAMIE!" Cass yelled, staring at him. Jamie blinked several times in response.
"Huh?" he asked.
"You were staring at me. Is something wrong?" She asked.
"Uhh, no, it's fine." he said, looking away embarassed. He cleared his throat, and repositioned his psi-scanner a little lower than it was.
"Any readings?" She asked.
"Nope. Nothing." Jamie responded in a quite wooden way, like he would to his superior officer back on the Hercules. He found his gaze travelling back to her, and quickly looked away again.
"damn dreams." he said to himself.
"Anyone else get anything yet?" Cass asked the others in the group. A chorus of "Nothing." and other such similar words came back.
<left open so you can be part of the group if you haven't already been grouped>
"Any communication from the others yet? they could have found something already." Jamie asked, hoping to get the others talking so he could fade into the background.