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View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
Running on Instinct
They sat in welcome peace for a while.
Strange cricket things chirped, an obese frog wheezed, a gentle gassy emission escaped from Plisken and Jacky’s log. And then, without warning, the calm was shattered by a horribly urgent, hairs-on-the-back-of-your-neck-ruffling, primal fear inducing, terror provoking, depths-of-your-animal-soul-disturbing scream.
And it sounded like it was only around 300 yards away.
A thrill of cold static ran down Jade's spine as the scream echoed around the swamp. Her skin prickled into goosebumps as it tailed away. She shared an agitated glance with Solvay. The swamp was unnaturally quiet for the briefest of moments, everyone on edge.
"Urm..." She said, now looking towards Pliskin and Jacky. No one dared move. The litte glow worm by Jacky glowed it's pretty yellow light before dissapearing into the brush.
There was a sound of a high velocity projectile, and all of the Dwarfers instinctivly ducked. The thunk-fwoosh of the thing soaring above them into the sky. The pop and fizzle of the projectile eased their nerves as it sparked into life above them. A bright red glow of a flare lit up the sky. As it dipped from the sky, it's graceful curve falling back towards the earth another shot up into the air, blood red phosperesance casting an eerie glow for miles around.
"You know... If we follow that..." Alex said, turning towards the swampy marsh in the direction of the flares.
"We have to go through whatever caused that scream..." Jacky finished, emulating their fears at going forwards.
"It could be one of us! One of the Dwarfers." Jade argued, concerned for whatever or whoever was our there briefly tempering her fear.
"We were the only ones who set out in this direction. It more likely means that we are not alone down here.It also means whatever it is has most likely learned to emulate human screams to attract it's prey." Pliskin said, matter of factly. Jade admired his calm, and was further set at ease when he unholstered a large rifle and cocked the safty off. "Shall we?" He said, adjusting his pack and walking into the depths.
The small glowwormy creatures glittered in the bushes, infrequent points of warm light in the damp place. Comforting beauty in the miserable place. The four walked in silence only broken by the chirp of strage creatures, the stringy music of a cricket and the splooshy sucking sound of feet in thick bog. Pliskin and Jacky were up front, then Jade, and Alex slightly behind her.
"Enjoying the view?" Jade teased, breaking the silence.
"I.. ah... It's not..." He blushed furiously.
"Na, he just likes bringing up the rear." Jacky joked, giggling up ahead.
"What's that goggles boy?" Alex lunged forwards, fury on his face. Jade held out her arm, catching Alex somewhere in his midrif and stopping him.
"Now, now children." Jade chided. Turning to Alex she whispered. "He's not worth it. Don't let it get to you." She smiled.
"Yeah." Alex subsided to his off center rear guard position again. Jade smiled at the now familier sulk face. 'Should have been Mr Sulky' She mused to herself. She resisted the urge to say 'if you keep it up and the wind chages it'll set that way'. Maybe next time.
"Did you see that?" Pliskin asked, holding up his hand suddenly. "When you..." The group stopped abruptly, Jade almost bumping into Jacky. She was then propelled forwards by Alex who was lost in his own thoughts and hadn't stopped.
"Crap. Sorry." He mumbled as Jacky tumbled forwards into a face full of claggy mud. Jade winced as she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder.
"It's ok." She said, helping Jacky up.
"Son of a...." Jacky growled. "You really are a loser aren't you." Jade went to intervene again, her ire at the two beginning to rise. Pliskin put a hand on her shoulder and drew her attention to the shrubbery*. The bushes were now positivly glowing, as if someone had strung too many fairy lights through them all. The little wormy creatures were glowing from their normal yellow-white up to a bright crimson. Flickering in the gloom, ominous and freaky.
"I dare you to say that again." Alex squared himself up against the scrawny kid. His jawline was tight and fixed, fists balled up so tight that his knuckles were white. Jade looked past him as he raged and saw in the brief moment before, the worms glowed brighter, flushing into crimson again.
"Oh..." She said, "How though?" Pliskin shrugged.
"It can't be a coincidence can it?" He mused.
"I'd doubt it. Why not us though?" Logicaly, it couldn't be just men, or Plickin would be affected. If it was age related, either Alex was much younger than he looked, or Jacky was much older. Wouldn't explain why Pliskin and herself weren't affected too. She looked at the older man, he was thinking simelar things.
"Maybe they were bitten? You touched the bug too right? Can't have been touch."
"Yeah." Jade stepped between the two 'boys'. "You take Jacky and look him over there has to be something."
"What do you mean something?" Alex growled. "Let me hit him."
"You'll have to go through me first Alex... Now you can either take off your shirt and let me look you over or I can pin you down and take it off you. Either works." She said simply, brushing some of the grime off her arms. The bugs flickered a rosy hue in the bushes. A paler subtler colour.
"Yeah, pin me down all you want. We can knock boots." He leared. Jade cast a glance behind her. Pliskin was having issues trying to stop Jacky from kissing him. For a moment Jade wondered what it would be like to... She shook the thought from her head.
"Great." When she looked back, Alex was already down to his skivvies. "How did you..." She blinked in surprise as the lusty enginner grabbed for her. She twisted away, raising an eyebrow.
"Playing hard to get huh?" The bugs thrummed quietly, their little arses glowing like roses. 'Think unsexy thoughts... Seymour in a mankini... Alex with a six pack...' She inwardly slapped herself. 'OF BEER!... And Phil eating curry...' Jade closed her eyes, keeping her practiced clam Dorctorial exterior on show.
"No Mr Solvay. I am trying to ascertain why these creatures are causing you to want to kill Jacky and lust after me like a horney teenager who hasn't had any in weeks." She dodged another grope and saw the worm. 'Holly eating lemons... Cute kittens... Tibia, Fibula, Raduis, Ulna...'.
In the small of his back, one of the bugs had take hold. A small blood trail dribbled down. Nothing serious, but it had bitten him.
"Damnit Jacky will you get ofmpf!" Pliskin was tussling with the lusty scientist and failing. Jacky planted a big slobbery snog on Pliskin's lips. Alex stared, momentarilly bemused by the sight. Jade took her chance. She stepped in and removed the bug, pulling a small leech mouth sized part of Alex with her.
He howled in pain.
Whilst he was gasping in shock, Jade darted forwards and examined Jacky, who was still pinning Pliskin to the mud with his lips. Pliskin squirmed underneath, trying to get out from under the now combined weight of two people.
Jade felt the bug on his leg and ripped the creature away. Jacky screamed.
There was a long moment of panting awkward silence. As Pliskin, muddy and abused stood up and brushed off as best of possible. Alex felt awkward and was deciding if anyone would need apologising to. Jacky was trying to brush the man spit off his toung and making gagging noises.
"Look.. I..." Alex's apology was cut off as somewhere in the distance, about 100 yards away in the gloom without warning, the calm was shattered by a horribly urgent, hairs-on-the-back-of-your-neck-ruffling, primal fear inducing, terror provoking, depths-of-your-animal-soul-disturbing scream. Only this time, it sounded like Jacky...
OOC - Mind altering worms anyone?