Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
"So, what are you suggesting?" Cass asked. "If they let some probes through, won't they let a shuttle through if it has no life signs?"
"We can fake life signs. Or Jam their scanners ourselves, so they won't be able to tell that there's no one on board. They'll have to either blow it up, or call our bluff." Jamie said. "If anyone has a better idea, we'll get about 5 shots at getting ships through. For breaking a defense net, I can't think of a better plan."
“I dunno... I'm not sure this is going to fly” Cass sighed "Simply hoping that we can call their bluff while we try and make planetfall... It's a hell of a risk to take; and if we're looking for a window in their defences..."
She paused to pull the planetary system specs up on one of the overhead monitors and peered up at the screens
“The planet has a radius of around seven thousand kilometres" she continued, reading aloud from the display before turning her attention back to the rest of the assembled crew "The moon orbits at... let's call it an average of four hundred and twenty thousand kilometres. If we assume that anything inside this orbit gets obliterated, we’re looking at... what?”
Her brow knitted for a few seconds, while she worked the problem out in her head
“An area of two point two trillion square kilometres, in which to try and find a suitable window in a defence grid spanning three hundred and ten quadrillion cubic kilometres...”
Frowning, Katrina pursed her lips
“Bollocks” she muttered
“Yeah - Exactly” Cass nodded “That’s a hell of a lot of space to start searching for something that’s only even theoretically there in the first place; and even if we had the time to source enough asteroids for an orbital bombardment, I still think we’d struggle”
“So how the hell are we going to get down there?” Jamie demanded “Can’t we just do like I said and jam their scanners?”
“Probably not with our low-tech equipment” White Wolf shrugged apologetically “Like their outposts, a lot of Roo technology, their scanners included, exist in and operate across multiple dimensions – Only some of their scans would even register with our technology, and while we’d be able to jam some of these, I doubt we'd be able to adapt our countermeasures fast enough to jam them all”
“Smeg’s sake” Jamie slumped back into his chair and stretched his legs out beneath the table as he indignantly folded his arms “This is impossible”
“I can’t believe we’re even contemplating this” Jacky breathed in disbelief “We are all so dead”
“Stop being negative” Cass glared sharply at him “That’s my job”
“As I said...” White Wolf soothed “There may be a back door”
“I thought that’s what we were talking about?” Katrina said guardedly
“Well, to begin with, you’re just not looking at the problem in enough dimensions” the outsized hamster explained patiently “Or like a sentient that evolved from creatures that lived underground”
“That mindset doesn’t exactly come naturally” Cass grated "What's your point?"
“My point” White Wolf said “is that the base exists out of phase with this reality, and that warrens invariably have many escape routes”
“Wuh?” Jaxx grunted, a frown creasing his face “Dude, was, like, any of that that English?”
“You mean there’s a transdimensional back door into the outpost, bypassing the defence grid?” Cass frowned “Where?”
“I’d suggest investigating that moon” White Wolf nodded up at the monitors displaying the planet’s murky green-coloured satellite “We rig a few psi-scanners up to the bottles of Mandallion liqueur I've got in my quarters, and then head on down there to see what we can find”
“Mandallion liqueur?” Katrina frowned
“It glows bright blue when there are inter-dimensional objects nearby” the hamster explained “Plus, it’s a great aperitif”
Cass pushed herself up out of her chair and walked across the Drive Room towards the science desk, where she tapped away at the controls and pulled up scans of the planet and its moon, pushing them onto the main overhead monitors for everyone else to see
“There’s the trace for the outpost on the planet” she pointed up at the indistinct and flickering signal, occasionally being detected on the planet below “Let’s have a look at the moon...”
Her fingers moved over the controls again to direct the ship’s modified sensor array towards the moon, the results blooming across the monitors seconds later
“There’s... something there” Jackie frowned up at the displays
Slipping into the science desk’s chair Cass leaned forward to stare intently at the monitors in front of her
“It’s a really weak signal” she murmured, her fingers dancing across the consoles controls “It’s hard to get a lock...”
“That sounds like a door” White Wolf nodded
“Okay, I can’t narrow it down to anything more than a ten kilometre area” Cass swivelled around in her chair to regard everyone from across the room “I say we grab whatever we need, suit up in our best...” she turned to examine the scan readout “swamp survival gear; and head on down to the moon to search the area”
“And what happens if we can’t find anything?” Jamie asked
“Then we try your idea” Cass shrugged “Because after this, I don’t see that we have any other options open to us”
Katrina spoke up as everyone got up to leave
"Cass hasn't mentioned it so I will" she began "I'd just like to thank you all for what you're doing to help Jay"
"Yeah, sorry" Cass interjected
"I... We really appreciate your efforts" Katrina continued "Thank you all"
"Well..." Jaxx shrugged in the awkward silence that followed "He's, like, one of us, isn't he?"
"Okay..." Cass stood "Jamie, Katrina: We need to reconfigure a few psi-scanners; everyone else grab whatever you think we'll need for the expedition; we meet in Hangar G in... what? Three hours?"
Over to you - If anyone's got any objections to this and would prefer to try and run the defence grid, shout out now; otherwise there’s three hours to kill, and could someone get us down onto that swampy moon?
Once we're there, there's quite a big area to search, so should the group split up or should they stay together?
What (if anything) lives down on the moon?
Who finds the dimensional door?
Is it trapped / guarded?
Do we find anything else?