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View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
You're Not a Good Person.
Posted byPosted: Jun 3, 2013, 7:29am
Jamie slumped down next to the control panel at the end of the pathway. His leg was badly burned from the steam, and it was causing great discomfort.
"Congratulations. You made it through the challenge. Now all you have to do is stop the station from exploding." Queeg said, appearing on a monitor nearby.
"Why are you doing this?" Jamie asked, forcing himself to stand.
"Because your resolve needs to be tested. You previously abandoned your crew, because you believed yourself to be above the others." Queeg said.
"No! I knew the ship was going to blow, and I didn't want to die. Is self preservation so bad that you have to punish me for it?"
"That's not what I'm here for." Queeg replied, ignoring the question. "You ignored your orders. You turned your tail and fled. You took an escape pod, and abandoned your post. If you weren't out here with us, you would have been strung up for insubordination!" Queeg said, raising his voice.
"Oh, so now you want to punish me for it in their place? You think you're better than me, is that it?" Jamie asked, raising his own voice.
"No." said a ghostly figure behind him. The hallucinogenic Steam had affected him too.
"I've never thought I was better than you. But you taught me everything." the ghost continued. It was of a man much younger than Jamie was, probably fresh out of the engineering academy.
"Yes. and if you'd listened to me, you would have got out when I did, and you'd be ok too." Jamie said. "I did the only thing I could do. If I had tried to get to the engine room, the ship would have blown before I'd got half way there!" Jamie shouted at the apparition.
"I guess we're even then. You saved my life once, and you save yourself in return." The apparition said, and then faded into nothingness.
"I'm not letting anyone else die on my watch." Jamie said to himself, and approached the control panel. It showed the exhaust systems, and had a tie in to some of the other computers.
As he looked at it, a warning siren burst into life, sending a message around the entire ship. "Outer Hull Temperatures, 900 Kelvin and rising. Critical temperatures estimated in 30 minutes."
"Smeg. He's going to burn us all!" Jamie said, knowing from his isolated place deep in the engine systems, he probably wouldn't be able to make it out to their ship in 30 minutes.
"QUEEG!" Jamie yelled, hoping he was watching. "Give me shipwide comms and I'll prove to you what can be done."
"Why should I?" Queeg asked, appearing on the monitor again.
"Because I refuse to abandon ship again. I'll prove to you that I'm worthy, and that I only left the Hercules because I knew nothing could be done to save it." He said, looking very determined.
"You have 10 seconds." Queeg replied.
"Everyone!" Jamie said, his voice booming out over the comms system around the whole ship. "If you can, get to the bridge of this station. I need someone to use the thrusters to spin the station 30 degrees clockwise, on the same axis as the sun. I can restore our altitude from that."
Then the shipwide comms deactivated.
Jamie sighed, and took another look at the comm panel. It was going to be a close one. All he needed to do was open the exhaust valves when the station had spun, and the explosive decompression of all the exhaust material would push them away from the sun enough to let them escape.
The station was still doomed, but at least they could get out with everything they needed.