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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
Paging Dr. Black
Posted byPosted: Jun 2, 2013, 8:51pm
Evelina stood up and walked over to Jaxx and asked, “Jaxx why are you doing that?” Jaxx looked at Evelina and smiled as he said, “Were like totally swimming out babe so stay close to me. “ Evelina looked at the water flooding in and then at Jaxx who looked like he was beaming with confidence. Jaxx realized his holowhips were missing so he walked over and picked up 2 thick ten foot long chains sections from the floor and tied them like a belt around his waste. Then he noticed the Skutter tried to pull itself up the cable and grabbed it by the claw to stop it.
Jaxx closed his eyes as he imagined the pain from seeing Evelina cry then he looked at the monitor of Queeg intensely and yelled loudly, “QUEEEEEEEEEG!! YOUR MINE BITCH!” His voice echoed all through out the ships through the vents letting everyone know Jaxx was coming. Then Jaxx ripped off the skutters arm and monitor before walking back to Evelina and holding her hand and saying, "Eve babe your like so totally awesome."
The loud sound of water pouring into the tank made it hard for Queeg to hear anything in the tank. As Jaxx and Evelina were floating near the top of the tank, Evelina asked, “Jaxx are you really gonna smash Queeg?” Jaxx laughed as he said, “I dunno Eve babe. I mean I could break stuff on the ship and all but like what if I break the wrong thing?” Evelina smiled as she said, “So you were bluffing him?” Jaxx smiled as he said, “Sort of. I was like just rattling his cage and stuff since ya totally put me on the spot. Evelina said, “Sorry about that Jaxx I was just trying to scare Queeg.” Jaxx said, “Don’t sweat it Eve babe. I so got you back on this, but like if we find Mrs. Jones she can like prolly stop him cause she is like super smart.”
As the water reached the top of the tank Jaxx held Evelina up and said, “Ok Eve babe pop that wicked hatch so we can blow this joint.” Evelina nodded as she unlocked the hatch and pushed it open. Then Jaxx slowly pushed her up to make it easier for her to get out of the tank. Then Jaxx let himself sink a few feet before he swam up quickly and popped out of the hatch and landed to the side of the opening with a super pose. Evelina smiled, as she said, “Show off.” Jaxx made a childish grin as he said, “Sorry Eve babe I’m just a bit pumped up and all.” Evelina said, “Oh yeah that purple drug must be in your system still.” Jaxx blushed as he turned around and said, “Um yeah it must be the drugs.” Then Jaxx looked down the dark path Dr. Black went towards and sighed.
Evelina looked down the dark path and said, “Are you sure she went that way?” Jaxx answered, “I’m sure and we need to hurry Eve babe cause it looks like the Doc is hurt.” Then Jaxx bent over to wipe up some blood on the deck and show it to Evelina. Evelina said, “This is bad Jaxx, we need to hurry. We owe her big time.” Jaxx nodded as he unwrapped one of his chains and handed one end to Evelina as he said, “Hold this end Eve babe so we don’t get separated.” Evelina said, “Thanks Jaxx.” Then the two GELFs crawled through the dark cold corridor. Jaxx didn’t have a hard time following Dr. Black’s trail since her blood was very fresh and stood out from the decking smell. Eventually they came to a light at the end as they found the corridor led to a room.
As Jaxx and Evelina crawled out of the hole they looked around the room and saw a broken window and scattered trash around. Evelina quickly grabbed Jaxx’s arm as she said, “Jaxx its Dr. Black and she’s hurt.” Jaxx and Evelina quickly ran to the side of a very wounded and unconscious Dr. Black. Evelina quickly checked her pulse for a minute and sighed with relief as she said, “Thank goodness. She is still alive, but she doesn’t look good Jaxx.” Jaxx took a deep breath and quickly stopped as he grabbed his chains and turned around to see Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Chrysler trying to look through the broken window. Jaxx sighed with relief as he said, “I am like so glad to see you ladies. Hurry and get in here the Doc is messed up.”