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View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Candice Kane

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Garth

View character profile for: Molly Willis

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)
These Are The People In Your Neighborhood
Posted byPosted: Mar 23, 2013, 11:09pm
Evelina floated about in the water, she could see that there was someone on the shore of the lake. She wasn't sure who or what it was from this distance but she decided that someone would be good at this time even if they were hostile. She started swimming towards shore. Hoping that for once her luck would hold and it would be someone friendly.
Jaxx was so focused on his lesson that he didn't notice Evelina getting close to him till she startled him. Jaxx snapped out of his lesson and said, "Whooooaa. Hello stranger. Where did you come from?" Evelina looked at Jaxx oddly as she noticed his gills and fins. The Evelina answered, "My ship crash landed and I'm a bit lost." Jaxx smiled and said, "That is like so cosmic. We crashed here to." Evelina said, "So who are you guys?" Jaxx thought for a minute then answered, "Well I'm Jaxx and I'm still learnin the crew's names. I kinda lost my memories so you have to excuse me. I came up with nicknames for the crew. Jaxx then proceeded to point at the crew members and tell her the crews nicknames.
Jaxx began saying, "Well I'm called Jaxx, thats Goggles (Jacky), that's Fluffy (White Wolf), That's Pretty Boy (Jay), that's Blue Boy (Efof), that's One Eye Davie, that's Old Man River (Plisken), that's El Stinko, (Phil), that's Doc (Phi), that's Nipples (Seymuor), that's Sex Bot (Candice) that's Orange Girl (Molly) and the guy with the gray hair and eye patch is Mr Wizard (Garth). Evelina tried to absorb what Jaxx told her as she was looking over the crew from the water. Jaxx smiled as he treaded the water nearby till he asked, "Oh before I forget, Who are you?"