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View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Garth
Bad Timing
Posted byPosted: Feb 14, 2013, 10:47am
Plisken and Garth sat with there feet up on the desks, not having a care in the world. They were both smoking on long wooden pipes and a vile blue smoke plumed from bowl. The pipe were made of a pale brown wood and they arched downwards. They were engraved with symbols that depicted the story of MacBeth- the real MacBeth not the one from the play. To one side was a chess board, the black king surronded by white knights and bishops.
"Did I ever tell you about the time I led the Dauntless into the Plains of Wild Endevour against the Could've Been King?" said Plisken. With his pipe, beard and hat, Plisken bore a strong resemblence to Gandalf and Tom Bombadil. But this was lost to Garth. Garth had never liked Tolkien and found the writing to be 'bland and tastless'.
"More the once," said Garth, scraping some of the surface from the desk.
"Oh god, not some more family entertainment from Plisken," said a voice from behind them. No one had heard Justin walk or had they heard the door opening. Behind him flowed a strange gas, a horrific gas that made even the smoke from the pipes repusle. Plisken and Garth began to cough and Justin looked around.
"Oh, yeah," he chuckled and closed the door.
"What was that?!" exclaimed Plisken, quite annoyed that his peace had been interupted.
"Okay, calm down old man," said Justin, waving his hands as if to fan an invisable flame.
"Old man?" said Garth, "Oh, yeah that's what's different."
"Really, just noticed that?" said Plisken.
Garth stood up and walked to great Justin.
"Garth, and who mi-"
"Nice eye piece," said Justin and flicked the monocle that covered Garth's blind eye.
Within seconds, Garth turend nasty. He grabbed the H on Justin's head and twisted it hard. Justin screamed in pain.
"Huh, that's new," said Plisken.
"Yes," said Garth, "This usually turns them off."
"Okay, okay," begged Justin from under the pain. Garth let go of the H that no sat a slight angle.
"Where is everybody by the way?" said Plisken chewing on his pipe.
<Tag Justin. Oh and that random part about MacBeth was just because I'm Scottish and was reading about him when I wrote this. It doesn't mean anything.>